The Four Elements of Window Treatment Design

Fabric is the most important and defining part of any window treatment. A formal dining room comes together with the addition of a pair of rich damask drapes while a sunny kitchen fares better with light cotton. When deciding on a window treatment design, be aware that fabric depends on three aspects; color, weight and pattern. Color is integral to defining your design; warm and earthy shades add coziness while cool colors come across as ‘crisp.’ The weight of the fabric makes a different statement; heavy curtains frame an area to impart a reserved air while lighter ones billow and open up a living area. Pattern is the last aspect. Plain, textured fabrics are generally less noticeable than those that carry a design, but subtle patterns recede more than striking colors do.
Support is the second element of any window treatment design. There are a few things to consider when choosing your attachments; do you want an aesthetic design or one that is purely functional? Does your window require a certain type of support? Analyze your fabric and verify that its weight and design matches the support; wool curtains might be too heavy for a thin track while a heavy pole can carry attention away from delicate sheers. Hidden tracks and curtain rods are generally less noticeable support while poles can be quite decorative, especially with the addition of end finials and curtain rings.
Heading is considered similar to support but is truly its own individual design element. The heading controls how your fabric hangs and while concealing the support. Stiff pencil pleats and French pleats can be gathered across a curtain rod to impart fancy formality while a simple slot heading allows a curtain to slide easily across a rod. Rings and pleats are paired for decoration while a pole adds extra flair and ruffles and eyelets are distinct in their own manner.
Embellishment is the last aspect to take into account; use them to give your window treatment design that extra bit of unique flair. Embellishment ranges from simple drapes and folds in the fabric to fanciful hand-made lace borders and dangling charms. They can be purely decorative in the form of tassels, buttons and fringes, or provide function through ties, loops and tassels.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design