The Georgia Apple Festival

The Georgia Apple Festival is held at the Ellijay Lion’s Club Fairgrounds. This location is very adequate in size for the festival. The road can quickly become backed up but the people directing traffic do not let the traffic backup for long. Definitely get there early in order to get a good parking spot close to the event. Parking is free but a donation is appreciated. Ellijay also has a shuttle service.
Once you are parked you will head for the gates. There is a gate fee of $5.00 per adult and children 10 & under are free. Once you are inside the gates you quickly realize just how much there is for you to see and do at the Georgia Apple Festival.
This year the Georgia Apple Festival will have over three hundred vendors. Homemade items, arts & crafts, foods, jewelry, toys, home decor and of course the beloved apples are just a few examples of the amazing wares you will find at the Georgia Apple Festival. Be prepared to spend the better part of a day enjoying all of the things at the Georgia Apple Festival.
For entertainment you will find a wide variety of music and performers. There is even an area for the kids to play. My kids love those giant inflatable slides and jumpers. There will be an antique car show and even a parade on the second Saturday.
Here are a few suggestions in case you decide to visit Ellijay, Georgia and partake in the activities that the Georgia Apple Festival has to offer. If you plan to do a lot of shopping then I’d highly suggest bringing a large bag or tote to carry your purchases in. No one wants to be running back and forth to their vehicle to empty their arms. Also be prepared to use portable toilets. From my experience, the festival usually has plenty of these toilets but we all know how cleanliness isn’t usually a top priority in them. Maybe bring along your own bottle of hand sanitizer. Lastly, there are no pets allowed in the Georgia Apple Festival. So it would probably be a good idea to leave your little pups at home and out of the Georgia heat.
This year the Georgia Apple Festival will be held on October 14th, 15th, 21st and 22nd. The festival opens at 9am and closes at 6pm on Saturdays and 5pm on Sundays. If you will be in the area during these dates than you should definitely stop by and enjoy the Georgia Apple Festival.