The Giggle

It was little over ten years ago, when she first made her presence known to me…
Maybe not in the physical form, but that giggle had me spooked…
I was sound asleep, or so I thought, on one of my few nights off from the hotel…
All of a sudden, I felt an ice cold hand, gently press down on the small of my back…
That jerked me up, like a crack of lightening in an April thunderstorm…
But no one was there…

My body was drenched in sweat, I felt like I was burning up, yet I was ice cold to the touch…
My blanket clung to me like a wet swimsuit…
Slowly, but surely, I untangled myself from the blanket, and softly laid my head back on the pillow…
I had an uneasy filling in the pit of my stomach…
Someone had touched me, but who…

An early morning breeze was sweeping through the window…
The sun was just beginning to rise in the east…
I was finally starting to relax…
Within the blink of an eye…
**He he he he**, a young girls laugh rang through the house…
I shot out of that bed like a bullet from a gun…
I slammed all the windows…
I re-locked all the doors…
I shut all the curtains…
Someone had giggled in my house…
No one else in the complex had a young daughter…
The neighbors were out of town…
So who had giggled in my house…

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