The Healing Powers of Flower Essences

What are flower essences? Flower essences are liquid extracts from wildflowers or plants. Actually, flowers used for healing purposes have been around since the ancient times. However in the 1930’s, Dr. Edwards Bach developed a complete flower healing system. The extract of the flower provides a specific energy pattern, a healing power for those that use it. When a person takes this extract, the energy pattern from the extract flows through the person’s body and has an affect on the person’s energy. The extract provides positive energy and produces a sense of calm and balance in the emotions.

The flower essences bring a sense of awareness of your inner being or soul revealing new possibilities for creativity, and mental, emotional, and physical growth. Flower essences or the liquid extracts from the flower provides a similar feeling when one hears a specific piece of music that moves them. Similar to the sounds from the music that sways our emotions, the same experience happens from the energy provided by flower essences. Flower essences give you the same feeling you get from listening to one of your favorite tunes. It provides a sense of well being, energy, and overall pleasant experience. The flower essences perk you up physically and emotionally. For example, someone who maybe depressed around certain holidays flower essences can enlighten their mood and make them understand the true meaning of holidays.

Flower essences can help heal one’s physical condition brought on due to stress or anxiety. Flower essences are used to calm, soothe, and energize a person under stress or suffering from anxiety. The extract may help to bring awareness to what is causing the stress and assist in resolving any mental and emotional problems one maybe going through that is also causing physical sickness. The flower essences can heal emotional, mental, and therefore, physical problems that are inhibiting the person’s full potential. The healing power of flower essences is thought to help people realize or discover other personalities or abilities within them and utilize those newfound personalities and abilities. One example is a person who may be stressed over a situation and deals with it one way that is unproductive, the flower essences relieve them from undue stress and may open up their minds to other possibilities or ways to deal with the demanding situation.

The healing powers of flower essences have done wonders for many people not just in today’s society but also in ancient times. It connects the mind and the body by providing positive flowing energy. Another good thing about flower essences is that it is impossible to overdose on the extracts and they don’t cause any side effects. However, they do heighten a person’s mind and emotions when first used.

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