The Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Although it can be quite difficult to quit, one’s chances of stopping can be nearly doubled when one uses nicotine replacement therapy. There are also many national organizations available on the web and by phone which try to help people quit. The health changes one goes through after quitting is quite remarkable, as it is nearly immediate.
For example, in less than half an hour after one refrains from smoking, his or her pulse rate and blood pressure become normal. Oxygen levels become normal and nicotine and carbon dioxide levels are cut in half in just eight hours. After one full day, there is no more carbon monoxide in the body. It’s pretty amazing that the lungs automatically start to clear out smoking debris and mucus, as it knows these materials are outsiders of the body.
In two more full days, or three days after one last smoked, nicotine will be completely removed from the body and two crucial senses, taste and smell, are improved noticeably. If a person continues to stay off the addiction and remain smoke free, there are also some great long term health benefits.
In less than twelve weeks, circulation improves throughout the entire body. In approximately nine or so months, problems greatly affected and caused by smoking, such as coughing and wheezing, occur less frequently. The lungs’ functions are improved by nearly ten percent as well.
After one full year from quitting, the chance of getting a heart attack is approximately half that of a current smoker. If one continues to stay off the drug for a little under ten years, the chance of getting lung cancer is approximately half that of a current smoker. After fifteen years, smokers who quit are finally on equal footing as a nonsmoker in regards to risk of a heart attack. It’s never too late to refrain from smoking, as there are health benefits that are both immediate and long term.
Unfortunately, all together leaving an addicting product can be quite tough. On top of this, there are some withdrawal symptoms that many people go through when quitting. For example, nearly half of the people that try to stop are prone to irritability and aggressiveness. More than half of ex-smokers are also prone to symptoms such as poor concentration, depression, cravings, and an increased appetite. In fact, the average weight gain of a smoker who quits is approximately six to eight pounds. However, a small weight gain is a much minor health risk that what comes with smoking.
There are also some alternatives to nicotine cigarettes which people try, such as cigars or herbal cigarettes. However, these products can be just as bad as nicotine cigarettes, if not worse. In the end, the goal of all smokers trying to quit should just be to permanently stop smoking. Alternatives don’t really work and can be just as unhealthy.
Although quitting is such a difficult thing to do, the health benefits are too big to ignore. Most smokers try to stop, but are unable to due to nicotine’s addicting nature. However, many understand the problems that come with smoking and there are also a number of different organizations that are willing to help those that are trying to quit.