The Image 15.0 R Treadmill

Ah, summertime. A time when we all dream of sandy vacations while sitting around in. . . that’s right, bathing suits. It’s time to get in shape, and for the majority of us that means cardio tasks like walking or running. With the Image 15.0 R Treadmill, those of us dreaming of a better body can lose the weight we desire, get healthy, and feel good about ourselves. Its 2.5 horsepower motor, ten speeds, 1.5 to 10% power incline abilities, 3 window LED console, and 17 X 50 tread belt is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Weight and Specifications- It’s 66.2 X 30.5 X 57.5, so it is large, but that’s one of the great things about this treadmill- you don’t feel like you’re running on a railroad tie. The 17 X 50 tread belt allows most to take normal strides. It can also handle up to a 275 pound person, so again, it dwarfs many other treadmills with its ability to handle larger people. The treadmill does fold up, allowing for storing ease.

Pricing- Mid to high 300’s. Currently available at Walmart and a host of other stores.

Utilization- The speeds are set on the console, so they’re touch controlled (so are the incline buttons). For instance, in order to go from 3 miles per hour to 8, all you have to do is hit the ‘8’ button and you’re there.

In order to turn the machine on, one needs to plug it in, turn a switch, and then attach a red circular object with a string to a magnetic strip. If that circle is detached at any time, the treadmill turns off (so one can hold the string while walking or running and immediately turn the machine off if needed by simply pulling the circular object off the strip via the string). The precautions help if you have children because as long as you keep that string away from the treadmill, they shouldn’t be able to turn it on.

The treadmill can be pretty noisy, but a closed door or stereo with some volume can take care of that. It feels sturdy, for sure, but the padding isn’t so great that one will feel comfortable walking or running in socks or slippers (at least we don’t). In addition, the machine gives pulse readings with sensors built into the console. There is also a fan that blows enough air in your face for you to feel it when you’re working out (that’s a good thing), and it offers 4 pre- programmed workouts.

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