The Importance of Independent Counsel for the Government

The use of independent counsel is of great importance. The reason is that the government cannot investigate itself, without being accused of being biased. The job of the independent counsel is to investigate allegations or activities seen as illegal on the part of Federal Government officials. (2)(U.S.Gov. Info) Independent counsel is elected by the Attorney General of the United States. In the case of the former President Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Kenneth Starr was brought in to investigate. The investigation took over six years to complete and cost $50 million dollars. (1) (America’s Courts)

It is my personal belief that in cases which involve high ranking government officials that no expense should be spared. The reason which I say this is because government officials are in a position of power and trust. To ensure that there is no partisanship within the system, independent counsel is imperative to a comprehensive investigation. It must be known to government employees that they are not allowed to consider themselves above the law.

Independent counsel can be seen two in two different versions, which are Republican and Democrat. For instance, in times which the Democratic Party is in power and there are allegations, the Republicans would then recommend that independent counsel be elected to investigate. The Democratic Party may consider this an attack from the Republicans. This is of course true for both sides.

While an investigation may turn up evidence of illegal activities, it doesn’t mean that there will necessarily be a conviction. In the Clinton and Lewinsky case, there was a recommendation for impeachment, but the Senate chose not to convict. (1) (America’s courts). Another example of this is the investigation of Mike Espy, who was allegedly accepting bribes. The case went to trial but the jury acquitted Mr. Espy.

The use of independent counsel is just as important as the right to a jury trial. If a jury were composed of people whom disliked the defendant or plaintiff from prior knowledge of knowing them, justice would not be served fairly. This is also applicable for an investigation of non partisan measures. It honestly does not make sense to allow the government to investigate themselves. This would be as ridiculous as allowing a murder suspect to investigate their own case.
In order for justice to remain fair and non partisan, independent counsel must be allowed to conduct a thorough investigation. This protects the persons involved in the case from being seen as biased, or even unethical. Overall it is a method of protection for everyone involved so that conclusive and non biased information can be obtained.

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