The Importance of Support Groups

As a mother of two boys, life is ever-changing. We grow as people, we see others and ourselves change, however one thing that has remained constant is the need for a support group. The first support group I affiliated myself with was the MOMS Club. They’re an incorporated organization nation-wide and they offer support to mothers offering playgroups, socialization for the youngsters and moms, and individual volunteer needs.

If a family was in need of a baby-sitter for a night in the case of an emergency, you would know who to call. Many moms brought food over for dinner to my house after my second son was born, offering me two hands for the baby and accomplishing the goal that was the hardest for me, feeding everyone “real” food.

Meeting with the same group of people allowed me to see that I wasn’t alone and that there were other people out there, striving just like me to be a good mother, friend, wife, and more. It provided me an opportunity to laugh with other people, and I admit, often I was laughed at, but usually I was also laughing, (yes, at myself).

As my boys have grown, our needs have shifted. We said our good-bye’s to the official MOMS Club, however we still maintain some very close-knit bonds with people that I feel will always remain our friends, and see them as regularly as possible.

Currently, we’re involved with a Christian homeschool support group in our area and we receive the tender love and care we need from them.

Having the comfort of reaching out to other families that are in your same position makes everyone in my family happy. We meet children that are my boys’ ages. I meet parents that are working together as a unit to provide their children the best they possibly can, and I get to interact with them on a weekly, if not more frequently basis. I know that I have an extra shoulder in a time of need, a friend to talk with, or even someone to yell at when things don’t go my way. Yes, we all have tantrums!

What I feel most important about support groups is having a place of belonging. Every family is comprised differently and has different needs. When my husband and I first got married, we wanted to work together and start our own business. Once our first son was born, life changed drastically. My husband left in the morning, often calling for me to fax paperwork or make a few phone calls, while I still contended with the life of a newborn.

I needed someone that understood what it was like to be “me” in my position, and I’ve been lucky in every stage of life to have connected with a support group that fits my needs. Belonging is important, whether it be through a support group like the MOMS Club, homeschool group, school, church. I think it is healthy to have a yearning to belong and to be around people that actually want you there.

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