The Interview Process

Then one week after you have sent your resume to a prospective employer, give that employer a call. Go further than just asking if they have received your resume. Give them your sixty-second sales pitch on why they should hire you and why you are the employee they have been looking for. Of course, don’t sound arrogant or pushy. And if the person sounds rushed or busy, try to make your sales pitch in thirty seconds. Basically the one-minute or less sales pitch should be a brief summary or statement. Don’t make it longer than a minute.
If not offered an interview, ask is there any additional information you can send. Even if they say your resume is fine, it shows initiative and motivation on your part. Also, ask the employer if you can call them back and, if so, when would be a good time. Remain professional and courteous at all times. The goal is to get a positive response from the prospective employer and let them know of your interest, desire, and motivation. However, some people go over board and constantly bug (becoming an annoyance) or contact prospective employers too soon. Allow at least one week before contacting an employer once you have sent a resume or completed an application. This same time frame is applied if you had an interview also. Only contact a prospective employer once a week, unless they tell you to call back at a certain time or tell you they will make a decision on a particular day.
Here are the four types of interviews you may encounter.
Interviews actually come in different types so prepare yourself accordingly. Interviews usually fall into four general categories.
The first type is the target directed interview, which consist of the interviewer being direct, businesslike, and usually impersonal. Respond nicely and professionally to every question without too much deviation into other areas or humor.
The second type is the family interview. The family interview is warm, friendly, and at ease. The focus is usually team oriented, so emphasize how much of a team player you are, how you get along well with others, what you bring or can offer to the company, and your communication skills. Humor and a some deviation from answers is generally acceptable.
The third type of interview is called the thinking person’s interview. The interviewer is more interested in how you do things, what you expect to accomplish, your goals, specific skills, and in-depth explanations of your work experience. Provide logical, expanded answers about your methods, goals, and thoughts.
The fourth and last type of interview consists of the interviewer being unpredictable, jumping from one area to the next, and being judgmental. Be quick with your responses, alert, speak in general terms, and let the interviewer take over the interview.