The Ipod 1Gb Nano Versus the 1Gb Creative Zen Nano

IPOD. The name strikes fear into the hearts of the mass marketed media player industry. Through extensive and brilliant advertising strategies by the one time underdogs of the computer world, Apple’s IPOD has become a 21st century household name. Apple’s grip on portable media does tend to beg one question however: Aside from its enormous fan base and familiarity with the common man, its “sleek” and “stylish” design and well chosen celebrity endorsement, does the Ipod deserve to be the front man in portable entertainment?
In this showdown I pit two formidable players cord to cord and weigh their technological prowess, overall file compatibility, functionality and economical sensibility in a match to the death. The Apple gb IPOD Nano versus Creative Zen Nano Plus 1 GB MP3 Player. Each player victorious in the respective category gets one point.
The Size and Mass:
Apple’s Nano: 5.4 x 1.0 x 5.4 inches
Zen Nano: 1.32 x 2.58 x 0.51 inches
Looks like the Apple Nano is the tall lanky fellow and Zen Nano is more the short portly type. Does size matter? Some say it does.
1 point goes to Apple.
Supported Audio Files:
Apple’s Nano: MP3, WAV, I tunes AAC, AIFF, Audible and Apple Lossless. The last four file types are Apples own sound files. No WMA here!
Zen Nano: MP3, WMA, WMA DRM.
Mp3, WAV and WMA are the most common on a PC. I am giving Apple the benefit of the doubt and believe that the AIFF files take up less space as they claim.
So 1 point goes to Apple.
Supported Picture Files:
Apple’s Nano: Jpeg file type only.
Zen Nano: NONE!?
1 point for Apple.
Software Type:
Apple’s Nano: I tunes for Mac and I tunes for Windows.
Zen Nano: Windows made from 98 to current edition XP.
The Zen Nano is basically plug and play which means no software and it will work on almost any desktop/laptop computer. No configuring, no mess, no fuss. Apple figures you buy the player, you should be using our software. Keep it in the family!?
This is easy�. 1 point for Zen.
Batteries and Play Time:
Apple’s Nano: Integrated Lithium ion battery (included).
Estimated play time on one charge: 15 hours.
Zen Nano: One AAA battery (included).
Estimated play time on one charge: 18 hours
Swing and a miss for Apple. Their player comes with a charger which uses your computers power. Also, I know their batteries are not only expensive; they die after a year or two. Who stocks the replacement batteries? Apple of course! The Zen uses one AAA battery. You can buy these batteries anywhere! What were they thinking!
1 point awarded to the Zen.
Apple’s Nano: Ipod style USB. 1/8′ headphone jack
Zen Nano: USB. 1/8 headphone jack.
The Zen nano has the same usb connection as many digital cameras and other mp3 players so if you lose the cord, use another one you have lying around. Lose the Ipod cord and expect to shell out more money for a replacement.
1 point for Zen.
The Display:
Apple Nano: The popular and “intuitive” back light I tunes interface uses the touch pad to navigate through your songs and pictures. Artists, songs, play lists, genres and equalization features. Also viewable are files you have stored to the hard drive
Zen Nano: The blue led backlight screen with black font. Artists, songs, playlists, genres and equalization features. Also viewable are files you have stored to the hard drive.
The Apple Nano and the Zen interfaces allow ease of use almost anyone can use. However Apple’s Nano is easier to see and use.
This is a close call but the judge gives 1 point to Apple strictly for visual reasons.
Other Additional Features:
Apple’s Nano: Date display, Upgradeable firmware, USB 2.0 compatibility
Zen’s Nano: Date display, FM radio recording capability, USB 2.0 compatibility, External Recording, built in microphone.
Apple’s Nano updates itself through iTunes regularly; beyond the features I already evaluated the train stops there. The Zen Nano has an fm tuner with 35 presets and the capability to record any fm station it receives with the touch of a button. It also has a built in microphone, handy for those lecture or meeting recordings and can record from any external sources with a 1/8′ in aux jack.
This is the easiest call so far, 1 point for Zen’s Nano.
The Average Retail Price:
Apple’s Nano: $120 – $150
Zen Nano: $60 – $70
Recently Apple was forced by its competitors to lower their price a notch and one can see they only went so far. Zen stays at its market introduction price with a range of about $10.
This one goes to The Zen Nano.
So here we have it folks, the judges add up their scores. Let’s see what they haveâÂ?¦.
Apple’s 1 gigabyte Nano: 4 points
Creative Zen 1 gigabyte Nano: 5 points
Please keep in mind I choose to leave out the categories “level of trendiness”, “likelihood your neighbor has one” and “amount of recognizable silhouettes rockin out in a commercial” categories in this review. It seems Apple’s 1 gb Nano, the littlest giant in her Ipod line is defeated by the resourceful, sensible and mighty Creative Zen Nano.