The It Girl: How You Can Become the One Who Gets All the Attention

A smile is tugging at both corners of her lips as she shakes her head from side to side, eyes wide and uninhibited. She grinds her hips and shimmies to the floor while her male fan club stares adoringly.
She’s not the prettiest girl in the club by any means. There are bustier, blonder girls with more voluptuous figures. So why is this girl getting all the attention?
She’s the “it” girl. The girl with that special something. The “it” girl is someone who can stroll into the club with half of a smile twisting the corners of her lips, exuding confidence as she meets the gazes of curious guys head-on, and becomes to object of many guys fascination and fantasies.
Why is the “it” girl so sexy? Because she thinks she is. Who cares if she’s ten pounds overweight? Who cares if her breasts aren’t perfectly symmetrical? Who cares if she’s not a Barbie doll? The point is that she feels sexy and confident, and it’s obvious.
Males find confidence to be a turn-on. The bottom line is that if you feel sexy, others will find you sexier too. Take a few lessons from the “it” girl. I know a good bit about her since I used to be her. In college, as a size 14, I thought I was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was that confidence that probably landed me my muscular, good looking hubby. I shed the weight later, but I had already landed my guy.
Love who you are. You might find the feeling is contagious!