The Last KKK Meeting

The KKK leader stepped to the podium his hood lowered about his shoulders and a look of disgust on his face, “Sorry guys but this will be our last meeting, we are going out of business.”
A member stood up in back, “But why sir?”
The leader sighed, “Well reverend the damned niggers are doing a better job of getting rid of themselves than we ever did so we are no longer needed.”
There were rumblings and protest. The leader rose his hand to silence the Klan members.
“Their rap music says more vile things about black women than we ever thought of.” he said.
The members grudgingly nodded approval. The leader continued.
“Their women write books and make songs that demean black men better than my speech writers ever did.”he said looking down at 2 men seated in front who lowered their heads.
“They shoot each other constantly”he continued,”They won’t buy houses or vote so it’s not like they are counted anyway. Let’s face it we are finished.”
Another member jumped up, “What about dem dere Hispanics?”
The leader waved the man down., “It’s just not the same, not the same visceral thrill.”
Many members nodded and others went looking for a dictionary. It hit them all that their time was finished.
The leader shook his head, “It’s time to go back to our regular lives as policemen, judges and congressman and leave the business of getting rid of niggers to niggers. They are just better at it than us.”
He then threw his hood on the ground and walked off. The others did the same and so ended the last KKK meeting.
George Cook