The Learning Page Review

The Learning Page is a wonderful website for homeschoolers looking for worksheets. I can’t praise this site enough. I first ran across this site when I searched Google for Free Homeschool Worksheets. I quickly joined this site and have found it to be very useful. So if you are homeschooling you need to check out this site for worksheets. And it is 100% Free to Join.

The Learning Page has many different things like Themed Worksheets, Vocabulary Books, Reading Books, Basic Worksheets, Clipart, Teaching Notes, and a lot more. This site would be great for anyone who homeschools but if you are looking to use Units then this is a great place.

When you click on the “Theme Sheets” button it will take you to a page where you can choose your theme. The themes that are available are Oceans, Zoo Animals, Space, Reptiles, Dinosaurs, and Insects. Click on the tab of your choice and it will list the different types of animals or if you do space it will list the planets.

When you choose the theme that you want you will notice that up under the tabs are sub-categories. You have Fact Files, Clipart, Murals, Funsheets, Lesson Plans, Teaching Notes, and Recommended Reading.

Under the Fact Files you will find fact sheets on each animal or planet. This is a very useful section. Under the Funsheets you will find the worksheets for each theme. You have three categories to choose from, Science, Math, and Language Arts. The grades are Kindergarten through 3rd grade. You can download individual sheets or the entire unit to print out.

Then you have the teaching notes and lesson plans which are very useful. The Murals and Clipart are a great way to keep the lesson fun and interesting for your little one.

The Learning Page also has Printable Books. The Tommy Printable Books are really great. They cover things like “Tommy Goes to the
Great Wall of China
“, “Tommy Goes To Mars”, and “Tommy Saves The Fourth of July”. These Books also have the worksheets, teaching notes, clipart, and more with them. So this would be a great unit to use for your homeschool reading.

The Learning Page is filled with many wonderful worksheets that are free. I really enjoy this site and I think you will too.

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