The Many Uses of Baking Soda

Baking soda truly is a miracle creation. It has many uses that most people don’t even know about. This naturally occurring mineral is safe to use for many other things besides baking with. Here we will discuss a few.

The first thing that it can be used for is a household cleaner. Its safe for most surfaces including steel, fiberglass, chrome, plastic, tub, and tile.
Lightly soiled surfaces such as kitchen counter tops and cabinets,can easily be cleaned with a mixture of 1/4 cup baking powder in 1 quart warm water. Wipe surfaces down and then rinse with plain water. This will remove dirt and grime.

For things that are more heavily soiled such as floors and sinks, or need something abrasive to remove the build up , use a half cup powder to a quart of water. For things that are heavily soiled mix 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water and scrub. Rinsing with plain water when finished. You can also sprinkle the powder directly onto a damp rag or sponge and clean.

Another overlooked use is laundry. Adding a half a cup to a load of wash will help fight stains easier. Added during a bleach cycle can help keep your whites brighter. Not to mention, using baking soda in your whites will reduce the amount of bleach and harsh chemicals left on your clothes, and its smell.

Baking soda is a wonderful deodorizer. Putting an open box or bowl of it in both the refrigerator and freezer will help absorb orders from your foods. It will also help some foods such as milk and ice cubes from having a bit of a flavor. Each bit placed in your fridge or freezer can absorb orders for up to 3 months time.
It can be used as a carpet deodorizer. Simply sprinkle a bit over your floors, let sit for a few minutes then vacuum as normal. Much more cost effective then buying a specialized carpet freshener. Place some in a kitty litter box with every litter changing to keep the smell contained and your house smelling fresher longer. Fridge and freezer used baking powder can be dissolved down drains to keep the PH balance regular in the septic tank as well as help flush clogs. Run hot water while draining.

A third overlooked use is personal hygiene and grooming. Baking soda made into a paste with water works great as toothpaste. It can also be used to soak dentures and retainers keeping them clean. Soak in a solution of 1 cup water to 2 teaspoons baking soda. A teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water makes an effective mouth wash as well.

It can also be used as a facial wash, mix 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water and use as a scrub. After gardening or cutting up strong smelling vegetables such as onions use a scrub mixture to wash your hands and remove the smell or use after changing your oil to remove any left on your skin. Add a half a cup to bathwater for a skin softening effect. Another use is as shampoo. Mixing a half a cup of baking soda into an old shampoo bottle and filling with water makes an effective and inexpensive shampoo wash.

Baking soda really is a jack of all trades item. Its many uses are often unknown and overlooked. By incorporating a few of its uses into your daily life, you can save time and money. And perhaps find a few more uses for it as well.

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