The Marx Toy & Train Collectors Annual National Convention

Every year in June, the Marx Toy & Train Collectors National Convention is held. Over a hundred collectors show up to display their toys and trains, collected from over the years. Since 1998, the convention has been held every year to give collectors the opportunity to show their toys and trains off to the general public and other enthusiasts.

The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum, in Wheeling, WV, is the site for the collectors’ convention. The showing takes place in mid-June with people coming from as far away as Texas and Arizona. The tables are set up on two floors of the Train museum for all to see.

Along with the showing of the antiques, the convention features notable speakers as well as several different workshops. Some examples of workshop themes include soldering techniques and train repair tips. And, every registered attendee receives a nice collector’s gift upon arrival.

Not only are the toys and trains put on display for all to see, but some collectors bring pieces to trade or sale. If you’re starting your own collection the convention is a great place to pick up a few unique pieces. If you’re not a collector, you’ll love strolling down memory lane when you view these collections.

On the first day of the convention, usually a Thursday, doors open at 9 am with visitors and collectors arriving all day long. Collect your registration packet and tour the train museum from 9am to 5 pm. During the evening collectors will have a chance to set up their displays and get settled.

The following day the registration desk opens at 9 am and newly arriving collectors can set up their displays. Beginning at 10 am and continuing until 4 pm is the swap meet for the attendees. During the latter part of this time period other events take place as well. The Marx Employee Talks at the museum, workshops, and later, a meal for all who wish to attend. The cost of the dinner is a separate charge.

Saturday is a big day with an opening at 8 am. The swap meet will be open from 9 am to 3 pm. At 11 am there will be a workshop, with another at 1 pm and one at 3 pm. At about 3, people begin tearing down their displays and getting ready to head home.

While the convention is in town there are other events taking place, like the Circle X Ranch’s “JohnnyCon” which is a contest that includes voting on your favorite toys. There’s also a Victoria Vaudeville Theatre Show in downtown Wheeling. If you prefer, you can meet others in the parking lot of the museum and take a trip to the Wheeling Island Racetrack & Gaming Center where you’ll find video slot machines, greyhound racing and all-around good fun.

For those that wish to stay a little longer, there’s a breakfast on Sunday at the Erie Children’s Museum. This gives collectors and visitors one last chance to exchange numbers or friendly chat. You’ll enjoy the convention, and your visit to Wheeling, so plan it early and start getting ready. The town has plenty of lodging options, restaurants, and other sites to see.

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