The Monster that is Obesity

What is Obesity?
It is not the last few pounds you need to loose to fit back into your old jeans. Obesity is essential having too much body fat. Obesity is determined by calculating your body mass index (BMI).

The BMI takes measurements for height and weight. It then estimates to what a degree a person is healthy or unhealthy. To figure you BMI:
Take your weight in pounds and height in inches. For example: Jane weighs 140 pounds and is 5 feet 3 inches tall.
BMI = (pounds x 700)/ (inches squared)
BMI = (140 x 700)/ (63(square)
BMI = (98000)/ (3969)
BMI = 24.7
A score of 30.0 or higher is considered obese on the BMI scale. A BMI score between 25 and 30 is considered overweight. Having a score that high can lead to problem, such high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other serious illness. The higher your BMI the more weight related illness you are likely to have.
Obesity is a very complex disease; it is hard to say why some people weigh more than others. It is a combination between genetics, culture, environment, and behavior.

What Causes Obesity?
An individual gains weight when they take in more calories than they expend. For example the average person with a moderate activity level burn 1800 calories per day. If that person was taking in 2100 calories per day they would gain 1 pound every 11.7 days. Unused calories are stored as fat. This is a defense mechanism. To help our bodies prepare for winter or if female for birth. Our bodies are taught to prepare for the future.
Other factors besides calories can cause obesity. If your parents were obese you have a greater chance of being obese. Your activity level, if you don’t get any physical exercise you are more likely to gain weight, although this does depend on your genetics and metabolism. Finally culture plays a part. Do you live in a culture with covenant, yet unhealthy food choices? Is it easier for you to run to McDonald’s that make a salad at home?
What are the Health Problems Associated with Obesity?
If you are obese you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, sleep disorder, and other various illnesses.

How is Obesity Diagnosed?
Obesity is diagnosed by a physician performing a physical exam and using the BMI chart.

Stereotypes About Obesity
People who are obese are often assumed to be lazy. Our society emphasizes thinness to the point of obsession. There is a lot of physical and psychological pain that comes with being obese. Obesity is hard disease to overcome. And often societies view of obese people to do not help the situation.

What Treatments are there?
First to fix obesity, it must be a lifetime fix. You must change your lifestyle. No magic pill or workout will do it for you. Treatment includes; changing your eating habits, increasing physical activity, and monitoring behaviors. You want to find your eating triggers and learning how to deal with stressor without using food as a coping mechanism. If this does not work surgery, such as gastric bypass is an option, but it must be considered as a last result, because of the dangers.
The key to be healthy is to eat the right foods, get the right amount of exercise and see your doctor regularly.

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