The Negative Effect of Music Videos

Lets face it, the people who mostly watch these videos are preteens, teenagers, and people in their early twenties. The impact that these videos have had on the younger generation is obvious. If you walk through some of these high schools or even junior high schools, some of these girls look like they are dressed to meet up with a pimp, instead of going to math class. I have even seen girls under the age of ten imitating some of the dance moves that they seen on these videos. A lot of girls feel it is o.k. to dress and act this way, because they are bombarded with these images on a daily basis. They feel this the best way for them to get the attention of boys.
These music videos also have an effect on our young men. When boys see these videos with a bunch of women being treated like sex objects, they think it is o.k. for them to treat the girls they know the same way. They think it is o.k. to call a young lady out of her name or even touch her in places she doesn’t want to be touched, because this is what they see on TV everyday.
I believe in freedom of speech and I am against censorship, but I also believe that the artist, record companies, and television networks need to start showing more responsibility in what they put out to the public. If they don’t, we are going to have a generation of men who grow up not respecting women, and women who have no respect for themselves.