The Negatives of Teeth Whitening Products

Teeth whitening being done by dental professionals was very popular in the 90’s since it was the only option available when you wanted your teeth whitened. This changed when at home teeth whitening products began to pop up, claiming to whiten your teeth for $39.95 compared to the $500-$1,000 dental offices charge for the procedures. As companies bombard consumers with commercials emphasizing the simplicity of teeth whitening products you no longer think of the negatives sides of the products.
Brush on whitening is the most popular form of teeth whitening and why wouldn’t it be, I mean it is the most simplistic sounding way to whiten your teeth. Brush on the teeth whitening gel, let it remain on your teeth overnight and wake up with a whole new bright smile in the morning, the concept sounds great, but it’s not as simple of a task as you think it is.
When you brush the gel on your teeth at night, the only way it is going to work is if you allow it to stay on and dry overnight, but when most people sleep saliva is bound to touch the teeth either from drooling or from licking of teeth and when this happens you will rub parts of the gel off of your teeth, resulting in your teeth coming out blotchy somewhat like a poor paint job on a room or something. Another downside to brush on teeth whiteners is the ingredients in the products. If you read the ingredients of brush on teeth whiteners you’ll notice that all of them contain alcohol. Alcohol doesn’t sound bad right? But the fact is alcohol is bad for your breath.
Their purpose of adding alcohol to their products is to dry out the teeth whitening gel so that it sticks to your teeth at night, but it’s not worth it at all when you consider the toll that the alcohol can take on your gums and your breath. Another harmful ingredient that most brush on teeth whiteners contain is glycerin, the effects of glycerin are even worse than alcohol. It extracts the moisture from your teeth. Glycerin is also one of the leading causes of tooth sensitivity caused by teeth whiteners. Brush on teeth whiteners sound good on paper, but they’re harmful and non-effective.
Whitening strips is another very popular teeth whitening method, that lures people in by emphasizing the simplicity of their products which is: apply at night and wake up with a white smile. But just like brush on teeth whiteners, whitening strips has a lot of negative sides to it that needs to be taken under consideration before purchasing. The whitening strips come in a box with a upper strips and a lower strips, which are supposed to be pressed on the front of your teeth and worn overnight. This sounds simple right? But again it is not, because no one has flat teeth, every one has grooves between each tooth which makes the teeth anything but flat. If you only whiten the front of each tooth, but not between each tooth, your teeth will most likely end up looking much worse than when you began, because the color of the front of each tooth won’t be the same as between each tooth.
Remember that teeth whitening products are not as simple to use as they appear to be and when visiting your local store ask clerks about which teeth whitening product will best suit you.