The Pagan Homeschool: Where is All the Curriculum?

This year we will be trying a Waldorf based curriculum. I can hear some of you screaming and some of you clapping. I know it is not pagan, curriculums don’t seem to come that way. While I’m not going to be following the curriculum to the letter, I will be using it as a guide. I will be customizing it to fit my beliefs and my kids. After I get going on it I will be blogging about. I hope to be able to help and inspire other pagan parents. The books I will be using are “Spiritual Syllabus by Alan Whitehead”. I know this will mean more work for me. I will have to plan out all the lessons, but I feel it will be worth it.
Will there ever be a pre-packaged pagan curriculum? I don’t know. Paganism is too diverse for one boxed curriculum. Are pagan parents currently out there building their own curriculums or only un-schooling? As parents will we be able to speak up and tell curriculum publishers what we want? I don’t know. On days like today, I’m left feeling like the outsider. Being pagan puts me outside of the mainstream. Beging a homeschooler puts me outside of the mainstream. Being a pagan homeschooler puts me way outside most streams. I think that maybe a feeling shared by other pagan homeschoolers. I think that if I had the skills I would make teaching aids for pagan parents. Maybe they are already out there lurking in cyberspace waiting to be discovered.