The Parent’s Guide to The Perfect Baby Carrier

When you decide to purchase a carrier, or add on to your registry, it will help to actually know the difference between all of the types that are out there. Believe it or not, there are several different kinds these days, all meant to suit different needs, be worn different ways, and accommodate different comfort tastes! Hopefully by the end of this article you will have a better understanding of all the different types of carriers so that you decide which one will be right for you and your baby.
One of the new and trendiest ways of carrying baby is the wrap method. Wrap carriers are very similar to its “sling” predecessor. The wrap carriers work just like they sound. They consist of a single piece of fabric that is fashioned around your body. The wrap carriers are wonderful because you can easily create just about any comfortable position for you and your child. Wraps are an excellent alternative for anyone who finds the normal front carriers to be uncomfortable. These wrap carriers will accommodate children weighing from 5lbs up to 35 lbs. Wrap carriers normally come with an informative leaflet illustrating the different positions you can achieve.
Front carriers are still popular, they are not as versatile as the wrap or sling carriers, but they offer a bit more support and stability in carrying your child. You can position your baby to face inward towards your chest or outwards toward the world. The newer front carriers do not consist of metal or plastic material and are much more soft and cushy. They do feature a safety restraint system to ensure that your baby is always safe. Front carriers will accommodate your child up to 30 lbs, but remember to only use the front carrier when your baby can hold up his own head well.
Frame carriers will come in handy when your baby gets a little bit older. They are designed for babies over four months of age, who have developed the ability to hold their heads up without support. Frame carriers are the types of carriers that you see people toting around on their backs. They normally consists of metal, plastic or aluminum frames and supports. They are wonderful because they can distribute your baby’s weight well and will keep your back from aching. Frame carriers will accommodate your baby up to 40 lbs.
Before purchasing your carrier, be sure to try it on at the store and ensure that it fits properly and that all the safety straps and latches are in good working order. When picking one out, look for good solid construction and lots of padding. Most carriers come with storage pouches great for storing bottles and sippy cups too! If you choose to get a carrier, you will come to find that they are an excellent way to keep your baby close to you and keep your hands free.