The Perfect Children’s Room

To start designing the perfect children’s room for a toddler you will have noticed that he or she is not interested in organized room space. Nor do chairs and tables matter much to a kid who spends most of the time crawling on the floor. What you need to concentrate on is liveliness and plenty of floor space. At the very least, the walls will need a bright and vibrant color. The paint should be of a washable grade, since it will soon be covered with crayon scrawls. Much better, invest in wallpaper that features interesting motifs such a cartoon or nursery rhyme characters. A good, thick carpet is more or less mandatory. Ensure that there are no electrical outlets or sharp instruments within easy reach. Toddlers require crawl space to explore, so avoid unnecessary furniture. Provide wide shelves, with the lower levels for soft toys and the upper ones for storybooks, etc. The bed should be low-level, if necessary with safety bars that can be latched into place at bedtime. Curtains should match the general mood of the room, and should be thick enough to cut the sun’s glare at nap-time. Adopting these ideas will create the perfect children’s room for any toddler.
Now on to the next stage in designing the perfect children’s room for children from the age of five or six. Children start understanding the need for organization and structured living space. They also learn the need for responsibility of one’s possessions, and should be taught to take pride in keeping their room orderly. The walls will also need a change of paint, preferably in cheerful but less vibrant color. You will have to provide more cupboards and shelves. If you have a single child, you can now bring in a regular bed; if you have two, you might want to consider the option of a dual-level bunk bed. This saves space and is fun to use. The storybooks will soon be replaced with encyclopedias and schoolbooks. Label shelves appropriately to aid your child in organizing these. Adopting these ideas will create the perfect children’s room for this age group.
Designing the perfect children’s room for preteens will consist of decorating particular themes that the preteen is interested in at that time. Organization and structured living space is important and preteens should be taught to keep their space organized and structured. Designing the perfect children’s room for teenagers can be challenging. Teenagers have begun to develop their own sense of style and structure, which may be different from yours. Including them in on the designing stage will make things go much smoother and less stressful. In order to design the perfect children’s room our children’s rooms should not be afterthoughts. The values they learn from us about organization, neatness, responsibility and the value of privacy are the ones they will take throughout their lives. Designing the perfect children’s room allows your child a suitable room environment and is one of the best ways of showing how much you care.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design