The Perfect Vows for Your Wedding Day

What’s important on your special day? The dress, tux, and flowers among many other things are important, but, there is something else that stands out on your wedding day, the vows. The words you speak in front of everyone there, your commitments to each other, yes, your vows.

Many people prefer to use traditional vows, “In sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live,” while others prefer a more personalized set of vows, “I promise to never use your pet name in public” or more sentimental “from the day I met you my life was changed…” Whatever you decide to choose for your vows, it should take a lot of consideration.

How do you know which vows are right for you? When deciding which set of vows is right for you both, a lot of factors should be included. How your family will react, how your friends will view it, how expressive you are, but, most importantly, how the vows touch you and your beloved partner.

Traditional vows are usually used with a couple whom are possibly a little old fashioned. Traditional vows are strong and deep commitments. Choosing these vows bring about a serene feeling of tradition. “[Name], do you take [Name] to be your wedded [husband/wife] to live together in marriage. Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep [him/her] For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. And forsaking all others, be faithful only to [him/her] so long as you both shall live?” and the answer is “I do.” Often these vows are a great choice for any loving couple, they are direct, sincere, and traditional. Even in traditional vows there can be variations. Such as “I take you [Name] to be my lawful wedded…” directed as a statement rather than a question. Traditional vows can often be combined and still be seemingly traditional.

Personalized vows are becoming more and more popular these days. Sometimes they seem very casual to the wedding attendees but can have deep sentimental value to the couple. “I promise to love your during football season,” or “I will go with you shopping when there’s a sale” such personal vows are less than traditional but, are so valuable to the couple. They can cause a smiles in a happy tear filled moment, they can cause a bit of laughter to people close to the couple, and they are sincere. In the end the vows spoken are words that are eternal.

Which ever way you decide how to choose your vows, in the end they are YOURS. Vows “for long as you both shall live.”

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