The Philharmonic Orchestra of New Jersey

These programs are presented as one hour presentations, and are usually held on Sunday afternoons. They usually team up with some of the area’s YMCA’s. These programs are usually booked up pretty fast, so if you are interested in getting your child into this program you will definitely want to start early. In April they hold what is called a “Sassy Brass Festival”. They hold festivals similar to this one during the summer months as well. So if you miss the one in April you should be able to catch one during the summer months. They also have a lot of programs which are offered year round. Which is a very unique way of helping children to learn about various types of instruments. This is really a great program and a great way for children to learn during their summer vacation. It is really never to early to get your children started in the field of music. You can even participate in various activities with them. You will have the opportunity to learn a lot about your children, and maybe even a little about yourself.
If you happen to live in the Somerset County area of New Jersey or if you are thinking about moving to the area, this is definitely one thing you will want to take into consideration. Especially if you have children. As stated earlier in this article most of the local YMCA’s participate in this program. So if you are going to be sending your children to summer camp and you will be living in this county, you will definitely want to take the YMCA into consideration. For more information on what programs they will be offering in the summer months, you can give them a call. Or you can contact the local YMCA and they will definitely give you more information on these types of programs. Even if your child currently shows no interest in music, they may discover an instrument that they like.