The Privileges of Direct Sales

Shopping in the comfort of one’s home is far from being a new concept. Door-to-door peddlers have been making rounds for generations. The direct-selling concept has been perfected over time. Today’s version of this type of selling consists of a hostess, a gathering of friends and light refreshments. The hostess is typically rewarded with discounted or free product in exchange for providing a venue and potential customers. Thus is the concept of direct sales.
While direct selling is a privilege to the hostess, it is also advantageous to the salesperson (often referred to in the industry as the “consultant”) as well. Some of the benefits of becoming a direct sales consultant are as follows:
Reasonable Start-up Costs– For most people, direct selling offers an affordable way to start a business. There is typically no risk in purchasing a “consultant kit.” These kits contain various products, samples and business tools to aid in the launch of the business. Some companies offer incentives for earning kits for free. If this option is not offered, the money spent on the kit is usually recuperated within the first few home-parties.
Flexible Schedule– The decisions regarding when parties are scheduled are made by the consultants. Planning around personal appointments and family obligations are definite advantages to the self-regulating consultant lifestyle.
Control of Income– Direct selling allows consultants to make money in proportion to the efforts of running the business. Income is generated through personal sales, as well as the sales of other consultants whom have been recruited into the business. This business model allows consultants to truly be in control of their income.
Support from Team Members– Receiving praise or learning secrets of the trade from a direct competitor in a traditional sales job is unlikely. Direct selling provides a network of other consultants who share ideas, support and motivation.
Corporate Office Support– Direct sales corporate offices typically provide access to business tools, such as product catalogs, training materials and online consultant support.
Start-up costs, kit contents and business tools vary from one direct sales company to another. Companies might also have certain regulations or requirements, such as revenue quotas or online marketing restrictions. A reputable organization should be able to provide information regarding consultant guidelines without hesitation, prior to making the decision to become a consultant.
Direct selling provides a platform that is tried-and-true with unlimited possibilities. The personal control can be rewarding, and the income can be lucrative. A direct sales career provides a perfect mixture of autonomy and foundation.