The Pros and Cons to Having Two Kitchen Sinks

Most likely your kitchen has a double bowl sink. If you are thinking of changing that to just one large single bowel sink or perhaps you are planing on moving and aren’t sure if you want to find a home with a kitchen that has a single bowl sink or a double bowl sink here are the pros and cons to having a double bowl sink.

Pros of Having a Double Bowl Sink

Rinsing is Easier
You have a sink for washing and a sink for rinsing your dishes.

Pouring Liquid Down the Drain is Easier When You are Washing Dishes
Unless you fill both sides of the double bowl sink with water when you wash dishes you will be able to pour something down the drain even if one of the bowls of the sink has hot soapy water in it.

You Can Have Multiple Projects
Having a double bowl sink is like having two kitchen sinks and you can be soaking dishes in one side and thawing frozen food in the other.

Less Likely to Waste Water
Even if you have a small amount of dishes to wash you are able to do so without wasting water, like you would if you had one large single bowl sink.

Cons of Having a Double Bowl Sink

Larger Items are Harder to Wash and Soak
It is harder to wash dishes that are large, such as pots and pans. Also, if you want something to soak and it is too big to be put into the sink you have to just fill it up and have it on your counter, using up valuable counter space.

Your Baby Won’t Be Able to Use It as Long for a Bath
If you give your baby a bath in the kitchen sink, which is a double bowl sink, then the time that you are able to give your baby a bath in it comfortably will be shorter than if your kitchen sink was a large single bowl sink.

Less Dishes Can Soak at One Time
When you first start washing dishes your dish water will be at its warmest, however you won’t be able put as many dirty dishes into the water as you would if you had one large single bowl sink. If you need to soak your dirty dishes in hot water you will be able to only do half of what you can with a large single bowl sink.

Something else you may see from time to time is when there is a rather small third middle sink, a triple bowl sink. This can be great if you are washing dishes and find that you have the left sink full of hot soapy water and dirty dishes and the right sink full of hot rinsing water and you discover that you have a cup of cold coffee that you need to pour down the drain.

All in all the kind of sink that you will want will depend on the amount of dishes you dirty on average and if you think that you will be getting a dishwasher in the future. You can check out Doing the Dishes the Old Fashion Way for great tips on washing dishes.

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