The Sand Castle

It was a race against time. The clear warm water was rapidly drawing closer. It was only a matter of time before the sea claimed her new construction.
The sand beneath her feet was rapidly turning to brown mush as the frothy waves crept up the shore. She squished the soggy mud between her toes. She let out a soft giggle. The fun was in making the masterpiece. The creation itself was not important.
As the little girl bent down to scoop up the moist goopy mud, she raised her heart shaped face towards the clear blue sky. She basked in the blazing sun. The heat radiated, and caused tiny droplets of sweat to form on her pale brow. Her long copper hair gently blew in the breeze. The wind off the glimmering water was cool and refreshing.
Hurriedly she scooped as much mushy mud as she could and dumped it into her pail. The thick mud fell with a loud thud. Getting up, she brushed off her knobby little knees and skipped over to an area of dry sand. She scooped up the gritty sand and mixed it with the muck in her pail to get the perfect consistency. The small child then placed her pail by her side. She packed the mixture with all her might, pressing her miniature hands atop the mound of dirt. She panted and pressed until it was finally packed firmly.
She lifted up her heavy concoction with both hands and gradually carried it over to her unfinished work. Her time was almost up. The deep wide moat she had dug was turning into a river about to join the sea.
The tiny child lifted her pail swiftly and turned it upside-down. Slowly and cautiously she lifted the plastic piece. The slushy mud and gritty sand had formed the perfect centerpiece for her amateur sculpture.
She stepped back and pushed her unkempt hair away with the back of her hand. Her deep blue eyes sparkled. She looked over her work once again. A proud smile beamed from her tiny cherub face. It was finished.
At that moment a thundering wave from the sea came crashing against the shore. Slowly, she watched the sand castle melt away.