The Scroll

There once was a young woman who was born in a loving home and had the best to herself. As she grew, she did things that most people do as they grow up; some of which she wanted to forget, but rarely does that happen. It came by time that she became a Christian and lived for God as all true Christians do; and after forty years of her service she died at her home on a Wednesday night.

She found herself before the throne of God with fearful reverence and admiration all mixed into one. As she bent her knees; the Lord told her to rise.

“Now my child, we have come to that moment that every Christian wants to hear,” said God.

The woman, feeling quite proud, stood tall with a smile on her face.

“But,” said God slowly, “we have some matters to address first.”

“What matters?” replied the woman nervously.

The Lord placed a thick scroll right in front of the woman. It began to unravel, and I would have to say that it traveled very far in the land of eternal bliss. The scroll contained all the woman’s sins: lust, adultery, murder, hatred, laziness, pride (a thousand times over) and many vices we think are small and insignificant that God sees as vile transgressions.

“Can you explain this?” replied God.

The woman looked down at the scroll and was speechless. There was so much to explain that even trying would be futile.

“I even see sins committed after you accept the truth, which is my beloved Son,” replied God, “What say yea to explain this?”

The woman was quiet for sometime. Within the scroll she had no hope in getting into heaven. None of us, if we are truly honest, after examining our lives, see any good deeds to provoke the Ruler of Heaven to allow us passage. However, hope and love was not absent, and the woman; having one solid foundation, took a step forward and said one word that came to mind.


“Wisely said, daughter, wisely said,” replied God.

Then from her right came the One she read about; the One she, in all her imperfect efforts, followed, and the One who is the truth, the way, the life. The love Christ had for her could be seen in all his glory. She smiled at her Savior and he returned the gesture, and at the same time, which caught her by surprise, he took out a dagger and sliced his right hand. The woman gasped from the sight of such an uncanny move.

“My Lord, why are you doing this?”

“I love you. You cannot enter in with such sins before you,” replied Jesus.

Jesus touched the scroll with that bloody hand, only as a reminder to the woman of the blood shed many years before. Suddenly the blood deteriorated the scroll; eating it until nothing was left.

“My father, this woman is clean, not because of her efforts, but because she trusted in me; my blood for her life; my suffering for her peace. All I ask is for her to dwell in the glory that you and I share.”

“Enter in, daughter,” replied God, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

Examine yourself; be honest and not false. No good deed is worthy of passage, save the Good deed of Christ; and for us, that is a very good deed indeed.

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