The Secret to a Great LIfe

There is one thing that makes a person’s life great,

If you are lucky, you might get it by the hands of fate,

It warms you up in the coldest weather,

It is weightless so it’s not heavy like a rock or light like a feather,

Sometimes it’s right before your eyes and you don’t even see it,

It does not come in a package or kit,

It is the light that brightens up your day,

It is around you when you don’t feel okay,

It is worth more than any amount of money,

When you have it you don’t need anything more,

You feel so complete like never before,

It’s as strong as a rock but as sweet as a chocolate bar,

It shines like the north star,

So what is this wonderful secret to life,

What is it that can make you live without strife,

The answer is love

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