The Story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s Romance

They might have met before but they got personally acquainted while shooting the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” At the time Angelina Jolie was single while Brad Pitt had been married to Jennifer Aniston for four years. Their marriage seemed solid even though comments they both made sounded a bit suspicious to fans. For instance, when asked how it felt to have married the one Jennifer replied that she didn’t think there was such a thing as “the one.” There were rumors that Brad enjoyed smoking Marijuana while Jennifer really hated the habit. There was also speculation that Brad really wanted a baby while Jen kept refusing. It seems there were factors that were straining the marriage. What marriage doesn’t have problems similar to these?
While Brad and Angelina were working on their movie, gossip that Brad was hanging out with Angelina more than his own wife surfaced all over the tabloids. This kept escalating until finally Brad and Jen announced their separation and then divorce. All parties involved denied that the relationship between Brad and Angelina had anything to do with the demise of the marriage but fans were extremely skeptical.
Sources reported one of the reasons Brad is attracted to Angelina was her passion for her charity work. Eventually Brad joined Angelina in her many causes, traveling the world with her and helping people in need. Another reason Brad was captivated by Angelina was her love of children. He was very fond of her two adopted kids.
Fans started taking sides, some blaming Angelina and calling her a hussy for stealing Brad from Jen. Jennifer seemed quite distraught about the whole ordeal and eventually gives an interview to Vanity Fair saying that she is hurt by everything going on. The trendy LA based boutique Kitson started selling t-shirts emblazoned with “Team Aniston” and “Team Jolie” The “Team Aniston” t-shirt was definitely being sold quite faster than the “Team Jolie” one. Still, Jolie is not without her supporters.
Brad and Jen’s divorce was final on October 2, 2006. Brad and Angelina go to press conferences and red carpets together for their movie -separated by feet of air- but pretend they are not together for the longest time while the whole world was hanging on their every gesture. Finally on January 9th, it is announced that Angelina is pregnant and guess what? Brad is the father. A while later they are pictured kissing. Finally, a true admission because, you know, getting pregnant is not enough, they have to be seen kissing in public.
This was the first biological child for Angelina, who is 30, and for Pitt who is 42, who was already the mother of son Maddox, 4, whom she adopted from Cambodia, and daughter Zahara, 1, adopted from Ethiopia in July. Brad adopted Maddox and Zahara, including changing their names to Jolie-Pittt. Finally, his dream of being a father is realized.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt decided to have their baby in Namibia. On May 30th Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pittt was born in a Namibian hospital through a C-session. Barely a day later, the new parents posed with a day old baby for the photographers of People Magazine after getting paid almost five million dollars! They donated it to charity, of course, because that is what they do. However, before the magazine could hit the stands, the pictures were somehow leaked into the internet to several blogs. Soon everyone had seen the picture.
Brad and Angelina have no plans to get married anytime soon but they have both stated they are very committed to their children. They both continue to work on their charities and careers and are even planning on expanding their family by adopting another child sometime soon.
Meanwhile, Jennifer Aniston is dating Vince Vaughn. They denied at the beginning, naturally, while they were filming “The Breakup”. Rumors they are engaged have been surfacing persistently but they have both denied this.
Perhaps in the long run all that happened was for the best but Jennifer Aniston was definitely the hurt party. She had to pay dearly for Brad and Angelina’s apparent happiness.
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