The Story of Kim and Jack Bauer: Season 2 of 24

Kim Baur is potrayed as being very dumb throughout Day 2 and it seems like every episode she is doing something dumb and getting herself into trouble. The viewer is left scratching their head saying, Why didn’t she just follow her father’s advice in the first place.
The season starts off with Kim Bauer staying at a friend’s place because she no longer wants to see or have contact with her father. She unjustly blames her mother’s murder on Jack and she shuts him out of her life. Jack then calls her daughter and warns her about the nuclear bomb in Los Angeles and tells her to get out of the city. Instead, she gets in the middle of a family dispute. The family she is staying with has a father who beats his wife and little daighter. When Kim sees the father beating up his wife, he grabs the little daughter and tries to escape.
Kim makes her way to CTU before the young girl collapses from a blow to the head she suffered earlier from her abusive father. At the hospital the father meets her daughther and threatens to press charges against Kim and her boyfriend for kidnapping. So instead of telling the police about the abusive father, she tries to grab the little girl out of the hospital. They are succesful at first before running into the father once again. This time he and Kim’s boyfriend Miguel get into a fight. Miguel basically kicks the guy to the ground and he and Kim escape in the boyfriend’s car.
Then they are stopping for speeding and are about to get off with a warning until the police officer realizes that blood is dripping from the car’s trunk. There the officer discovers the dead body of the little girl’s mother who was letting Kim stay at her house. Kim and her boyfriend are arrested for murder. Then she stupidly tries to tell the officer that they have to get out of L.A. without telling him about the nuclear bomb.
When they are in the police car being transferred to another police station, they try to escape and in the prcocess the SUV tips over, the police officer is injured as well as Miguel. Of course Kim escapes untouched by the car crash. She makes her way into the woods with nowhere to go until she is trapped by an animal trap in the woods. She runs into a man who has a house in the woods and tries to keep her there by convincing her that a nuclear bomb went off. Of course she is retarded so she beleives him until she discovers the television still working and leaves his house.
Of all the characters in “24” I wish they wrote her off the show.
Then there is the ending in Season 2 regarding Jack Baur. President David Palmer has his own cabinet vote him out of office and allow Vice President Prescott take office. Palmer needs Baur to get the evidence off of a microchip to reveal that a phone conversation linking 3 Middle East countries to a terrorist was fabricated and not real. When Jack finally gets a hold of the recording, it is taken from his friend Kate Werner by a group of racists who are trying to rob her. When Jack kills one of the men, the recording is badly damaged and the information is unretrievable.
This leads Jack Baur to an audio freelancer who originally created the tape. He tries to escape from Baur and then dies when he falls off the ledge of a building. However, Baur still has Sheri Palmer, the president’s wife. He convinces her to call a man named Peter Kingsley who is responsible for the tape being created. Sheri wears a recording device and gets the proof she neds to show that her husband made the right decision by not gonig to war and that the tape was made up to go to war.
In a thrilling finale, Jack Baur guns down Kingsley’s men and stops the war. I loved every minute of Season 2 of 24 and I highly recommend this film to all viewers.