The Third Most Difficult Simpsons Trivia Quiz on the Internet

A. 1928.
B. 1930
C. 1968
2. Where was Mr. Burns going when he accidentally ran over Bart Simpson? (According to him, anyway?)
A. To the hospital to donate atkidney
B. To the orphanage to give out toys
C. To Springfield University to fund a new research center into Really Difficult to Cure Diseases
3. Whom does Radioactive Man marry in special issue number 72?
A. Queen Slug-For-A-Butt
B. Larva Girl
C. Princess Maggot
4. What Saturday Night Live alumnus does Mr. Burns immediately trail on the list of Most Popular Billionaires?
A. Adam Sandler
B. Chevy Chase
C. David Spade
5. What does Bart buy with the money he gets for selling his soul to Milhouse?
A. A squishy made entirely out of sugar
B. Bonecrusher The Video Game: The Movie
C. Sponge dinosaurs
6. What is Springfield Elementary School’s yearbook called?
A. Retrospecticus
B. The Cromulent Years
C. Rememorials
7. Grandpa says that people had to use the world “dickety” because the Kaiser stole the word for what?
A. Sex
B. Beans
C. Twenty
8. What kind of car killed venerable old Snowball I, the Simpsons’ first cat?
A. Buick
B. Cadillac
C. Chrysler
9. What is the name of Troy McClure’s agent?
A. MacArthur Parker
B. LT. Smash
C. Arthur Crandall
10. What is unusual about Marge Simpson’s feet?
A. She has six toes.
B. She has webbed toes.
C. She has two left feet.
11. What is the name of Bleeding Gums Murphy’s only album?
A. Sax and Violins
B. No Sax Please, I’m British
C. Sax on the Beach
12. What is the name of the mental hospital that Ned Flanders checks himself into after a hurricane destroys his home?
A. Calmwood
B. Cuckoo’s Nest
C. Needy Rest
13. When Cletus finds a discarded pair of boots he suggests to his wife Brandine that she could wear them to her audition. For what is Brandine auditioning?
A. Toilet cleaning commercial
B. Music video for Alice Cooper
C. Topless dancer
14. What kind of college-bashing had Homer had just about enough of from Lisa?
A. Harvard
B. Brown
C. Vassar
15. What kind of fruit does Ralph Wiggum enter in the fruit-rolling contest on the bus?
A. Banana
B. Tomato
C. GI Joe doll
16. What is Carl’s last name?
A. Carlito
B. Carlson
C. Carlton
17. Bart Simpson joins Sideshow Bob in his medley of what Gilbert & Sullivan operetta?
A. HMS Pinafore
B. Pirates of Penzance
C. The Mikado
18. What is Homer Simpson surprised to find out is available on the computer now?
A. Illegal music downloads
B. Simpsons merchandise
C. The internet
19. To what “college” does Ralph Wiggum plan to go?
A. Bovine University
B. Disney University
C. Krusty’s Klown College
20. What musical instruments do twins Sherri and Terri play in the opening segment of the show?
A. Clarinets
B. French Horns
C. Flutes
1. A.
2. B.
3. B.
4. A.
5. C
6. A.
7. C.
8. C.
9. A.
10 B.
11. C.
12. A.
13. C.
14. C.
15. A.
16. B.
17. A.
18. C.
19. A.
20. C.