The Top 10 Ways My Children Drive Me Insane

I am a stay at home mother to three beautiful daughters. Cassandra is 9, Sara is 6 and Kaitlyn is 1. Each one is a joy and very unique in her own right. I wouldn’t trade them for the world. BUT…………………………………………….

They can drive me completely INSANE!! So here are the top 10 ways my girls accomplish my insanity on a daily basis.

1) Always hearing “Mommy. Mommy! MOOOMMMMMYYYYYY!!!” if I don’t answer them in a split second after hearing the first “Mommy”.

2) The word “STOP!” being shouted over and over and OVER again by one girl being annoyed by another girl. Makes ME want to scream “STOP!”.

3) Hearing “She did it!”. Followed by “NO I DIDN’T! SHE DID IT!” The constant denial of who did what. It doesn’t even matter WHAT it is that they have done, as long as they are able to completely deny any and all involvement in it. Sometimes this can be funny to a parent (on certain occassions) but for the most part it is a HUGE annoyance to listen to.

4) Slamming Doors! Oh man, this is a huge pet-peeve of mine. I can NOT stand the sound of slamming doors. They make things rattle in this small house of mine. Oh what a joy this will be once they are actually teenagers. *Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?*

5) The Constant Bickering. This may just be a girl thing but then again I don’t recall fighting this much with my own sister.

6) Tattle-Telling. I can not emphasize enough how much tattle-telling makes me want to pull my own hair out. The constant barrage of the phrases “She’s touching me!, She’s touching my stuff!, She’s looking at me!, She’s talking mean to me!”.

7) Toothpaste. Toothpaste on the bathroom walls, floor, toilet, light switches, door, door knob, and even on the light fixtures. I don’t know how it gets there an no one admits to doing it. (See # 3 above) Instead they blame each other and even the 1 year old baby is a nice scapegoat.

8) Phone Call Interruptions. Why is it that when the phone rings, all of the children come running? I swear they do! Just now, my mom called and during our 1 minute 23 second conversation my middle daughter interrupted THREE times. YES, 3 times! Is there some sort of built in sensor in children that causes this?? Sheesh!

9) Sass. We all know what sass is and I’m sure most of us did this at least once to our parents when we were young. Well my oldest daughter is an expert in this art form of annoyance. This includes trying to tell me how to discipline her younger siblings.

10) The Word BUT. This word has a great use in the English language BUT when it is used by a child, it can be a horrible word to hear. When you tell your child to clean their room or to stop fighting or even to stop interrupting and then all you hear is the word “BUT!” accompanied by a whining child who is bouncing up and down……………… WELL that’s enough to DRIVE ME INSANE.

Even with all of this, at the end of the day, I am still completely in love with my girls. They hug and kiss me. They tell me I’m beautiful. They care about me when I’m feeling down. They tell me I’m a wonderful mommy. They giggle and hug each other. They are my babies forever and always. They are my life and my joy each and every day. Well, maybe not EACH and EVERY day but definitely 98% of the time. I do find solace though. My comfort is found in the fact that one day they, too, will have children of their own and those children will reap my revenge on their very own parents. HAHAHA! *evil laugh* Seriously though, they are only small for such a short time and I suppose it is the job of all children to drive their parents insane. It is the cycle of life….baby, annoying child, mother with annoying children and then happy grandparent who gets to watch annoying children be annoyed by their own children. 🙂

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