The Top 3 Movie Theatres in Hollywood

So you’ve come to Hollywood and you want to catch a glimpse of a celebrity movie star like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, or Jennifer Aniston? Maybe you even want to play a part in the industry that created Los Angeles. Well, what if I told there was a way to do both? And with just one night in Hollywood? It’s simple. Just buy a ticket and head to the movie theatre. Preferably, the ArcLight Hollywood, Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, or Pacific’s The Grove Stadium 14.

Okay, so the consumer end of the Hollywood process might not be what you had in mind, and you’re thinking those celebrities I promised will be up on the theatre’s big screen, right?

Wrong. If you’re lucky, one might be sitting in the seat right next to you. Let me explain:

1. ARCLIGHT HOLLYWOOD, 6360 W. Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 464-4226 (

To be treated like a Hollywood celebrity (maybe spot one), you’ll have to pay for it. With adult tickets going for $14 ($11 matinee), you want to be sure you’re going to get your money’s worth, and you will. You can buy tickets online, on the phone, or at the movie theatre, and there’s no need to come early because your seat is reserved. Just don’t be late or you won’t be allowed in; ArcLight doesn’t want you disrupting the viewing pleasure of other movie-goers. And who will keep you out? The ushers, assigned to each and every screen, who personally introduce each movie before it starts. How many screens? Fourteen. Fifteen, if you include the Cinerama Dome, a screen 32 by 86 feet huge, where there’s nothing but pure Hollywood movie magic in your periphery vision for the duration of the film. Feel like having a few drinks? Well, then, go right ahead at the ArcLight cafÃ?© bar, where you can grab a quick meal or order alcoholic drinks. You can even bring those drinks into your movie at ArcLight’s 21+ Screenings.

Keep Your Eyes Open: Celebrities of all kinds are known to frequent the ArcLight because of its no-hassle, reserve seating.

2. GRAUMAN’S CHINESE THEATRE, 6925 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 464-8111 ( (see picture)

Immerse yourself in Hollywood history and delight yourself in street-performing debauchery. For a ticket price of $12.50 ($12 M-Th, $9 matinee), you can watch your movie in a world famous theatre, one of the most widely used theatres for studio premieres. Sit in the seats of so many celebrities before you. Or walk outside and into Grauman’s legendary forecourt, where the movie stars from past and present have left their signatures in cement, not to mention their hand and shoe prints. See if your feet fit into Adam Sandler’s DC shoes. Who’s got the bigger hands? John Wayne or John Travolta? Then move to the sidewalk and watch where you step, literally, where you’ll find more than 2,000 celebrities honored with their own star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame.

Keep Your Eyes Open: You’re sure to find celebrities here; from the look-a-like Marilyn Monroe to the look-a-like Michael Jackson. And who’s that behind you with a knife? Oh, it’s just Chuckie from Child’s Play.

3. PACIFIC’S THE GROVE STADIUM 14, 189 The Grove Drive, 3rd & Fairfax, Los Angeles, CA 90036 (323) 692-0829 (

Okay, so this theatre isn’t much different than any other Pacific movie theatre you’re going to find; for a ticket price of $12.75 ($9.75 matinee), you can see just about any top film currently out. But, it is in one of the hottest, most celebrity-frequented spots in Los Angeles. It is part of The Grove, an outdoor shopping center where you can ride the double-decker trolley from the Apple Store to Forever 21 to nine different places to eat. Or walk to the Farmer’s Market, which is, well, a farmer’s market, where you can buy everything from souvenir buttons to fresh fruit and eat any food from Chinese to Mexican. But what makes this theatre most appealing is its clientele.

Keep Your Eyes Open: Celebrities frequent The Grove and its movie theatre so much, you’ve probably seen pictures of it in the tabloids and didn’t even know it. Just in the last few times I’ve been there I’ve seen Macaulay Culkin smoking a cigarette with Mila Kunis, Charlie O’Connell (of “The Bachelor” fame) buying popcorn, and Tom Hanks buying tickets.

Now forget all your worries and get to the movies!

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