The Top 4 Used DVD Stores in Milwaukee

My personal philosophy when it comes to DVDs is “Why rent when you can buy?” I have never understood the need to rent the new releases at premium rates every week when you can usually buy ex-rental copies at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video for the price of a rental six months later. Do you really need to see a movie the second it comes out? Yes, I am a used DVD fiendâÂ?¦ and I leave no stone unturned when it comes to seeking out the best movies for the lowest prices. Naturally, I find myself spending lots and lots of time in the used DVD stores of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Mega Media Xchange at 4820 South 76th St. has the biggest and best selection of stuff in the city. This store has changed its name, its staff and probably its owners several times since it opened so who knows if this will still be its name in six months but their location is consistent. It used to be called “Take Two” but they were not particularly customer-friendly in those days and they seem to have gotten a bit better. The place has been expanded and remodeled since then and, oh boy, do they have a lot of titlesâÂ?¦ not only DVDs but games, CDs, VHS tapes and even paperback books! They take everything in trade so if you have some old stuff you want to exchange for newer stuff then this is probably the place to go. Call them at 414-282-9994 for more information.

Record Head is another store that will take your old, unwanted merchandise and give you cash or credit towards something new and exciting. They have a great selection of movies, games and music at fantastic prices. Most of their stock is used but they throw in the occasional new discs as well. They have a ton of old VHS tapes in the basement at bargain prices but they only have staff down there on Sundays. They are located at 7045 West Greenfield Avenue. The number to call is 414-453-3900.

Disc Go Round is usually recognized as the place to bring your old, unwanted compact discsâÂ?¦ but now that DVDs have skyrocketed in popularity they have begun trading and selling those as well. They usually have a vast selectionâÂ?¦ a good selection of older titles as well as newer releases that early purchasers have dropped off for some quick cash. Disc Go Round can be found at 4975 South 76th Street (just up the street from Mega Media Xchange incidentally). Chances are if you don’t find what you want at one of these stores you will at the other. They can be reached at 414-281-0700

Suncoast Pictures has three locations in Milwaukee. They are known primarily for the new stuff that takes up most of the storeâÂ?¦ movie-related toys, games, posters and other assorted paraphernalia. They almost seem reluctant to advertise the fact that they also have an awesome selection of used discs (which varies from store to store). I guess they would rather have people spend more money on a new copy than a used oneâÂ?¦ but who knows for sure which purchase provides them with the greater profit margin? Anyway, make it a point to pass by the overpriced new releases and check out what’s new and interesting in the “pre-viewed” section. You can find Suncoast at 2500 North Mayfair Road (call 414-258-3663), 5300 South 76th St. (call 414-423-1075) or 95 North Moorland Road (call 262-784-6622).

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