The Top Art Museums in Washington, D.C

For people visiting Washington, D.C. and for those who are lucky to have D.C. as their backyard, the city’s collection of museums are a must see for visitors and locals alike. There are a number of museums from the Air and Space, Natural History and American History. However, my particular favorites are the art museums. Washington D.C. in itself has so much history and beautiful architecture that the whole city could arguably be a piece of artwork on its own. However, if visiting work the likes of Pablo Picasso, Henry Matisse and Edward Hopper is more , then the Smithsonian’s collection of art museums in Washington, D.C. is the place for you! Based on the number of museums I have personally visited in D.C., here are a few that have become my favorite along with the many visitors who I have brought with me.

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Location: corner of Seventh Street SW and Independence Avenue, Washington, D.C.
Metro Directions: L’Enfant Plaza stop on the Blue, Orange, Yellow and Green lines. Use exit to Maryland Street SW and Seventh Street.
Phone Number: 202-633-4674
Museum Hours: 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Sculpture Garden Hours: 7:30 a.m. – dusk
Admission: Free

The difference between this particular musem and other art museums in Washington, D.C. is the fact that the Hirshhorn Museum contains modern work while placing emphasis mainly on work done in the past 30 years. The museum contains a collection of 11,500 beautiful pieces on its museum floors. It contains a number of contemporary pieces of work that includes film as well. From time to time, there are a number of artists who put on short films for the Hirshhorn exhibitions. Because the Hirshhorn includes modern work that are exhibited in a variety of ways. The artwork isn’t limited to only painting or charcoal and viewed through a frame. It’s a guarantee that whenever you take a visit to the Hirshhorn, there will always be something new and interesting to take in.

The Hirshhorn building stands out in comparison to other museum buildings in Washington, D.C. due to its round shape. This uniquely shaped building puts on a number of events during and after its museum hours. The full listing can be found on its website, If you’re interested in a museum tour, the museum does offer a number of tours but only a certain number of times during the day. The website does provide the timings for the specific tour you are interested in.

Washington, D.C.’s Hirshhorn Museum Sculpture Garden makes the Hirshhorn very unique and a great place to relax after visiting the museum itself once it closes. It includes a number of figure sculptures amidst more abstract and modern pieces of work. Although a lot of art pieces in the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden are a bit older than those included in the actual museum, they continue to emphasize the feel and emotion in the museum. All in all, the Hirshhorn is one of the nicest and beautiful art museums to visit while in Washington, D.C.

National Gallery of Art
Location: National Mall between 3rd and 7th Streets at Constitution Avenue NW
Metro Directions: Judiciary Square on the Red Line, Archives on the Yellow/Green Lines, and Smithsonian on the Blue/Orange Lines.
Phone Number: (202) 737-4215
Museum Hours: Monday through Saturday, 10:00 to 5:00
Sunday, 11:00 to 6:00
Scultpure Garden Hours (extended summer hours): Monday through Thursday and Saturday, 10:00 – 7:00
Friday 10:00 – 9:30
Admission: Free

The National Gallery of Art includes a very expansive collection that includes more recent but also works dating back late in history. The building is absolutely stunning and includes an East and West building. The National Gallery of Art includes European and American paintings and sculptures along with photographs and works on paper. It usually takes me a long time to go through the entire museum because I find myself staring at all the works throughout the museum. So, if planning a visit to the National Gallery of Art, make sure you plan enough time to visit the East and West buildings.

The National Gallery of Art’s Sculpture Garden is a great place to visit as well, especially after visiting the museum. The Sculpture Garden is located on Seventh Avenue and Constitution Avenue on the National Mall. The Sculpture Garden includes great work that is very modern and contemporary. It also includes a fountain in the middle of the garden that is used as an ice rink in the wintertime. It’s a great place to relax amidst the great artwork and beautiful scenery.

Smithsonian Freer Gallery
Location: Jefferson Drive at 12th Street, SW
Metro Directions: Smithsonian Station metrostop on the blue and orange lines.
Phone Number: (202) 633-4880
Musuem Hours: 10:00 – 5:30
Admission: Free

Another one of my favorite arm museums in Washington, D.C. is the Freer Gallery of Art. It includes a great number of exhibitions and permanet pieces of work. The collection included in this museum is extremely varied which is the reason this museum is a great one to visit. If looking to absorb a number of pieces of artwork through one museum, this is the one to visit. The collections are from so many different countries including American to Chinese Art. I find it interesting that there are Biblical manuscripts available to view as well.

Washington, D.C.’s Freer Gallery is a great place to start your overview of all the artwork this great city has to offer. On their website, the gallery has listed a number of exhibitions, current and past that are included at the museum. If you’re looking for a parpticular exhibition to view, take a look at the website. They will offer the most current information for exhibitions that the Freer Gallery has to offer.

There’s no question that Washington, D.C. has great museums to offer. However, the art museums that the Smithsonion musuems have to offer are some of the best of the country. The fact that admission is absolutely free is a great draw and makes it easy for locals to jump in their cars or take a trip on the metrorail and visit these great museums. If you’re interested in looking for places to eat, most museums have cafes and shops within its building. However, the prices may be a bit higher than expected. However, the ambiance these cafes and restaurants these musuems have to offer is definitely well worth it. Have a great visit and enjoy the beautiful artwork that America’s capital has to offer!

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