The Top Casual Date Spots in Owings Mills Maryland

Mitchell’s Miniature Golf Complex.
Think there’s nothing unusual to do on a date in Owings Mills? How about taking your date for a round of Miniature Golf? For the outdoor enthusiast, or just a night of moonlit talking with your date while putting on the green, Mitchell’s is the place to be. The Golf Complex is just on the border of Owings Mills and Reisterstown, exit 9-A off of I-795. Mitchell’s has three entirely different miniature golf courses, and not one of them will cost you more than $6. The regular course is even lit at night.

Arcade Alley.
For more youthful fun, take your date to the Owings Mills Mall, and visit Arcade Alley. Located on the Upper Level near Macy’s, Arcade Alley is open from 10am-9:30pm. Enjoy some friendly competition with your date by going head to head in a video game.

Bill Bateman’s Bistro.
And if you want to combine dinner out and video game fun, bring your date to Bill Bateman’s Bistro where the food is plentiful and the beer is cold. A longtime hangout of firemen and law enforcement, Bill Bateman’s Bistro is located on Chartley Drive. Bateman’s knows how to keep the atmosphere casual and fun. Plus, the prices will go easy on your wallet. So if your date is into keeping things real, share a crab pretzel, and kiss to the blinking lights of the arcade.

AMC 17 Theatre.
Take your date to a movie and enjoy the well-designed modern theatre at the Owings Mills Mall. The AMC is open daily, and conveniently located to the nearby local metro station. Considering that almost nothing in Owings Mills, much less the state of Maryland, is convenient to public transportation, this is a coup-especially if this is a first date and you’re too young to own your own car. One of the theatres features leather seats and couches, luxury tables, and offers one of the most comfortable viewing experiences for dating this side of your own sofa. In fact, it may support your back a little better than your own sofa. This smaller luxury theatre, however, is usually reserved for documentary showings like Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth.

The Owings Mills AMC 17’s concession stand is well-attended and offers a better-than-usual selection of snacks to buy your date. The popcorn is also pretty darn good and there are conveniently located restrooms just about everywhere. The AMC 17’s main drawback is its inability to commit to a front lounge area. They’ve tried dining tables for a cafÃ?© like experience-they’ve tried a few video-games for kids to play while waiting for their movies to start. They even tried a giant display of cardboard movie cut-outs, like some kind of demented Madam Tussaud’s to entertain their guests. This area seems perpetually under construction, and is a real drawback to creating a community space in or near the theatre. Maybe they should just put in a Starbucks and be done with it.

Edo Sushi II.
For a dinner date, there is one restaurant in Owings Mills that tops all the others. And that is Edo Sushi. The atmosphere is so intimate that it’s perfect for romance. This year, Edo Sushi was named the number one sushi restaurant by readers of Baltimore Magazine. Visit this restaurant just once, and you’ll see why. Nestled in the Garrison Forest Plaza by the Safeway, the service is excellent. The staff makes a point not only to greet you with a smile, but to remember what you like to drink. This kind of personalized service is not to be scoffed at, and would rank Edo Sushi II highly, even if their food were not so amazing. But ultimately, it’s about the sushi. Never fishy, always the exact right texture and temperature, Edo Sushi’s fare is second to none. It has convinced more than a few Owings Mills sushi-haters to rethink raw fish. And for those who aren’t ready to walk on the wild side, there are tame options ranging from delicious chicken teriyaki to tempura. Though somewhat pricey, Edo’s food is easy to share on beautiful dishes with carefully prepared garnish. If you’re looking to impress your date, Edo Sushi II is the place.

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