The Top Ten Sexual Turn Offs for Men

Be sure to read The Four Phases of the Sexual Response Cycle, also by Jasmine Starr.

Alright ladies, what is it that turns your man off sexually? There are many things that turn men off sexually. What turns one man off, may not turn the other off. After taking many surveys, this is what I have come up with. I have compiled a list of the top ten sexual turn offs for men. The list below is in no particular order. Keep in mind ladies, all these things may not turn your man off, but these ten turn offs were at the top of the list.

1. Women who act like sexual traffic cops
This means women who tell their man how to do things while in the act. For example, Take my shirt off slowly, now take my necklace off, no no you’re going to fast, run your hands thru my hair, no you’re doing it to fast, etc. Yes ladies there are women out there who do these things. In my surveys men really hated this. There’s a difference in sharing how you feel about sex and what you like and being a traffic cop.

2. Dead women in bed (Women who are unresponsive in bed)
This is pretty self explanatory. There are many women who lie in bed while their man does all the work. In the old days that was how it was suppose to be. But today it is a hole new ball game. Men like for their women to respond and men deserve a little something out of his woman when making love. This was the number one complaint men had in the survey.

3. Women who don’t take care of themselves
This applies mainly to married women. I know we have all been guilty a time of two of letting ourselves go when we are married. How many of you have said “We’re married now, I don’t have to impress him”? Oh ladies, it seems our men think differently about that. In the survey men seem to be really turned off when his women let her self go. For example, not shaving often, never fixing their hair, wearing panties with holes in them, bad breath, chipped fingernail polish, vaginal odor, etc. So take a little time out for yourself and keep yourself up.

4. Women who constantly put themselves and their body down
Learn to love your body ladies. This drives your man crazy. They get tired of hearing us complain about our flaws and everything else. If they didn’t like our bodies and who we are, they wouldn’t be with us. It really turns your man off after we complain day in and day out.

5. Women who only care about a man’s financial status
I know some of you are saying “That is the last thing on my mind”, But there are some women who sleep with a man only for his money. Men are really turned off by that and you can’t really blame them. I think that is just cruel. Sleeping with a man for his money is sad.

6. Women who talk about former lovers
This seems to be really annoying to men and can you really blame them. Don’t share your history of former lovers with your new lover. If you were in his shoes, you wouldn’t want to hear about his former girlfriends.

7. Women who wear ugly underwear
No two men are alike and their taste in underwear are not the same as the next man. Some men think the new boxer type underwear are ugly while some think thongs are ugly. It all depends on your man. Talk to your man and ask him what he likes. According to the survey, underwear play a big part in turnoffs for men.

8. Women who talk too much in bed
This was a little weird to me because I don’t see where discussing bills, while making love to your man, could possibly turn anyone on. However there are many people who do it and men reported this as a major turn off. So ladies discuss bills and stuff when you’re not in bed with your man.

9. Women who fake it
Well I think we have all been guilty of this a time or two. At some point in our life we have faked it in order to keep our man from feeling guilty or feeling like there was something wrong with him. Apparently men would rather be told that you just can’t get in the mood, than fake it. Sometimes us ladies just have so much on our mind that we can’t seem to get in the love making mood and according to my survey most men understand that. So ladies next time you can’t get in the mood, simply explain to your man what is going on instead of faking it. Men that new their women really well said they can tell when their women is faking it.

10. Women who never initiate sex
This turn off can go with number two in a way. In the old days it was always appropriate for a man to initiate sex, to make the first move, etc. But this is a whole new world ladies. Our men want us to initiate sex from time to time and make the first move. For some women it is hard because believe it or not we have been taught that the man is suppose to make the first move. Not anymore. So ladies get with the program and give your man that special night where you start and give him mid blowing pleasure.

There are many more thing that turn men off but these are the top ten in my survey. As I said before, no two men are alike, so all of these may not apply to your man. Don’t be shy, ask your man what turns him off and on. The more you know, the closer you will be. Opening up to your lover can make a world of difference in your relationship. Don’t get offended by what he says. The point is, he is being honest and those are his true feelings.

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