The Top Ten Songs by Frank Zappa

Frank Zappa was and is an American rock music icon. Born in 1940, he passed away much too young at the age of 52 in 1993. Although he was perhaps most well- known for being the leader of the Mothers of Invention musical group, Frank Zappa was also a very accomplished music producer and engineer. In addition, Mr Zappa was a very talented painter and filmmaker who created and produced a feature motion picture in the early 1970’s titled “200 Motels”. Although electric guitar was his primary instrument of choice, Mr. Zappa was proficient on many other musical instruments as well. His droll, often- spoken vocal deliveries were as much humorous observations as they were aural paintings and stories that were easy to visualize, due to his relaxed, absurdist manner.

Much of Frank Zappa’s song titles and content to this day, are still baffling to many people. Zappa, along with his contemporary, cohort and sometimes bandmate, Captain Beefheart, created a body of work populated by whimsical and absurdist characters and themes very similar to bizarre musical cartoons. While much of Mr. Zappa’s music can certainly be described as ‘hard rock’, at times, there are distinct elements of classical music evident in many of his works.

In 2006, Mr. Zappa’s son, Dweezil Zappa, began an International tour titled “Zappa Plays Zappa”, where the younger Zappa and members of Frank Zappa’s band, recreate much of his music. Here is a list of what this reviewer thinks are the top ten songs by Frank Zappa.

A) Apostrophe..5:52..from the “Apostrophe” album
The title song of Frank Zappa’s 1974 epic, this is a heavy, yet delightful, slightly bluesy, yet avant- jazzy piece. An instrumental, this song displays some of the musical chops of Frank Zappa’s phenomenal band.
B) Cosmik Debris..4:16..from the “Apostrophe” album
With a snarling, fuzzed- out guitar lead that may be one of the best on any Frank Zappa song, this song is a slice- of life a’la Zappa, filled with strange characters and a tumbling sonic tableau that somehow seems to seam itself together into one of Frank Zappa’s more straightforward electric guitar- based rock and roll songs. This song rises to the top of the list of the top ten songs by Frank Zappa.
C) Dinah- Moe-Hum..6:03..from the “Overnight Sensation” album
By far, one of the most well- known and beloved of the top ten songs by Frank Zappa. In this jaunty number, Frank Zappa describes meeting a woman named Dinah Moe Hum and her sister. After Dinah Moe declares ” I got a spot that gets me hot, but you ain’t been to it”, Frank Zappa gets down to business with both women. With lines like “All she really needed was some discipline” and “Kiss my aura….Dora”, this song is a classic, that still receives rock radio airplay.
D) Excentrifugal Forz..1:31..from the “Apostrophe” album
One of Frank Zappa’s shorter songs. Upon hearing this, it’s almost like entering another dimension, filled with strange bleeps and whirls held together in a very funky, percolating bass and drum- heavy stew. The lyrics and vocals are outstanding. the only problem is, this song is far too short !
E) Joe’s Gararge..from the “Joe’s Garage, Act 1” album
One of Frank Zappa’s more accessible, or almost- mainstream songs, telling the tale of a garage band that ‘hit the big-time’, sort- of. This song is nostalgic, funny and almost sad. Once again, Frank Zappa’s inimitable personna and delivery paint an aural picture of a cartoonish world where absurdity reigns. Released in 1979, this song achieved moderate commercial success and is still played frequently on rock radio stations.
F) Montana..6:36..from the “Overnight Sensation” album
Silliness reigns as Frank Zappa is at his droll, off- the – wall best, commiserating about ” Moving to Montana soon, ‘ gonna be a dental floss tycoon”. One can almost visualize him riding ‘side- saddle’ on a pink pony, with his ‘zircon- encrusted tweezers’ as he stops to “Grab a cuppa caw- fee”. This song is like a big, musical cartoon.
G) Poofter’s Froth Wyoming Plans Ahead”..2:32..from the “Zappa/ Beefheart Mothers..Bongo Fury..Live” album
The upbeat and happy, demented marching- band sound that propels this masterpiece lingers. This song is performed by the legendary Captain Beefheart and Frank Zappa together. The mere prescence of Captain Beefheart assures that the song will take- on ‘bizarro- world’ tones. When Captain Beefheart exclaims “T-shirts, rats..rubber- bats”, you know that him and Frank Zappa really understand what he’s saying. This song can’t help but put the listener in a good mood.
H) Stink Foot..6:37..from the ” Apostrophe” album
Who else but Frank Zappa could, or would, record a song called “Stink Foot” ? Who else but Frank Zappa could make it work, creating a hilarious and musically interesting work ? The answer is NOBODY. This song is one of Frank Zappa’s funniest and most engaging works. As much as the title may offend, the work is so hilarious, you just have to listen.
I) 200 Years Old..4:32..from the “Zappa/ Beefheart Mothers..Bongo Fury..Live” album
Recorded live at Armadillo World Headquarters in Austin, Texas in 1975, this song begins with a spoken- word description of an early- morning restaurant meal on the road somewhere, and segues into a lowdown, fuzzed- out, ‘bottom of the swamp’ blues song. Frank Zappa’s guitar solos in this heavy blues number are thrilling and reminiscent of the incredible solos on the later “Cosmik Debris”.
J) Uncle Remus..2:44..from the “Apostrophe” album
Another song that rises straight to the top of the list of the top ten songs by Frank Zappa. A tale of subversity and covert action in the suburbs. This is a laid- back and melodic song that is extremely well- written, both musically and lyrically. Some of Frank Zappa’s most classic lyrics, like ” We’ll take a drive to Beverly Hills, just before dawn and knock the little jockeys off of rich peoples lawns”. Superb.

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