The Top Three Attractions in Phoenix, Arizona

The Phoenix Zoo is the largest private (non tax-supported) zoo in the nation. New exhibits are funded by donations from members, businesses and the general public. These habitats are created with the animals’ original climate in mind. Each one is designed so that the animals may be viewed in their natural settings. This principle allows zoo visitors to see the inhabitants closely without disturbing their environment. The zoo is built around natural rock formations which make the exhibits interesting. The Phoenix Zoo is committed to education. There are numerous camping experiences and classes for children. Scattered throughout the zoo are picnic areas where you can have birthday parties for the kids. Every hour a keeper gives a short informative talk about the animals selected for the day. Special exhibits showcase the southwest where the zoo is located. One exhibit is called the “Arizona Trail”. There are fund-raising events where you get an intimate tour with the keepers behind the scenes. Some are dinners at the zoo with special guests, both animal and human.

During the holiday season, all the huge trees in the zoo are decorated with flashing lights. This event is called “Zoo Lights”. There are wire frames created in the shape of animals and covered by colored lights. Holiday music is heard throughout the exhibit. You can purchase special snacks, cookies, and hot chocolate in the winter evening. Major Phoenix sponsors support this gigantic project. It is well worth the price of admission to see this attraction in motion under the desert sky. You can view the Phoenix Zoo’s website at ( The physical address is 455 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix, Arizona, 85008. You can contact the zoo at 602-273-1341.

Another wonderful attraction is the Phoenix Art Museum in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. Though the museum receives some tax money, the majority of its’ funding comes from private donors, both large and small. An entire wing was recently added to the building to house all the artworks that were in storage. Fund-raising events include black-tie dinners and previews of major exhibits. In addition to the many worldwide presentations at the museum, there are very good educational programs available with the price of admission. Children’s art programs are offered at which the kids make a project related to art and learn about art foundations. Sometimes there is a small charge for materials.

You can explore the Phoenix Art Museum on your own with a map provided when you pay the admission fee. Tours are offered, usually when there is a major exhibit (like the Monet paintings), but sometimes for a specific part of the museum that is featured. You can bring pencil and pad to the drawing classes. An artist picks a favorite piece and helps both amateurs and professionals recreate that particular painting. There are all kinds of activities for the art novice, as well as for experienced artists. The Phoenix Art Museum’s website is ( If you want to visit, the address is 1625 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona, 85004. If you want more information, call 602-257-1222.

The Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix is a beautiful spot to visit. As its name implies, you will find all kinds of plants along its winding paths. There is a special exhibit of succulents which grow in abundance in our Arizona desert. Each one is identified by name and characteristic. There is even information about whether or not they are suitable to cultivate in your yard. In the spring, the wildflower exhibit is filled with color. These wildflowers grow randomly all across the desert and in homeowners’ yards. During the year free jazz concerts are held in the natural setting of the rocks and vegetation. The Las Noches de las Luminarias event (The Nights of the Luminarias) is held during the holiday season. Thousands and thousands of Luminarias line the paths all over the garden and up the path to a scenic view of the city below. The beauty of all the lights is extraordinary. You can visit the website at ( Their address is 1201 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix, Arizona, 85008. For more information, call 480-941-1225.

If you are visiting Phoenix, Arizona, be sure to visit these wonderful attractions.

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