The Top Thrift Shops in Fort Myers, Florida

Fort Myers, Florida has dozens of thrift shops to choose from, but when I need amazingly great clothes, furniture or household items at amazingly low prices, I put a visit to these thrift shops at the top of my shopping list.

First stop, the Goodwill thrift shop at U.S. 41 and Island Park Road in Fort Myers. There are twelve Goodwill thrift shops in or near Fort Myers but the Island Park thrift shop is the standout. Why? It’s located on U.S. 41, the major highway in Fort Myers, and Island Park Road, which is the entry road for several upscale residential subdivisions in south Fort Myers. So it has easy access for people to donate goods and easy access for people to buy goods. At this Fort Myers thrift shop, I’ve found sportswear, resort wear and athletic equipment in lightly used or even new condition. My husband has twice found NordicTrack equipment for less than $10 which needed only minor adjustments, as simple as tightening a few connections. There are plenty of bicycles, a wide selection of paperback and hardcover books and children’s toys and games. Women’s clothes are another good buy at this Fort Myers thrift shop. There are lots of overstocks from department stores and many items still carry the original sales tags. Clothes can be a little pricey, sometimes as much as $3.50 per shirt but there are half price days when items bearing a certain color tag are 50% off. There are many name brands such as Polo and Liz Claiborne in a full range of sizes. Good deals on men’s and children’s clothes are to be had, and there’s a huge selection of holiday decorations for the home at this Fort Myers thrift shop. There is also frequent shopper card available. The store is open seven days a week.

It’s an easy drive to the next Fort Myers thrift shop, the Salvation Army thrift shop on Cleveland Avenue in downtown Fort Myers. Drive north on U.S. 41 (also known as Cleveland Avenue in Fort Myers) and turn right on Fowler Street. Take Fowler Street north. The Salvation Army thrift shop is on the right just before Hanson Street.

The Salvation Army thrift shop in Fort Myers was recently renovated and it is very attractive for shoppers. Up front you’ll find men’s, women’s and children’s clothes plus knickknacks and accent items for the home. In comparison, clothing prices at the Fort Myers Salvation Army thrift shop are less than prices at the Goodwill thrift shop although there are fewer name brands at the Salvation Army thrift shop as it is located in a commercial section of Fort Myers. However, and this is a major savings, sales tax is not charged on your purchases. This thrift shop also has a frequent shopper card program. It’s the huge area full of furniture that is the main feature of this Fort Myers thrift shop. It has everything to fully furnish an apartment or home, from baby cribs to highchairs to changing tables to sofas, coffee tables, headboards, mattresses, box springs, computers, refrigerators, dishwashers, dinette sets and office furniture. And at this Fort Myers thrift shop you can also buy a used car.

After shopping at the Salvation Army thrift shop, you’re very close to the third Fort Myers thrift shop, St. Vincent De Paul Society thrift shop. Drive north on Fowler Street and turn left at the light onto Hanson Street. Take Hanson Street west across U.S. 41 (Cleveland Avenue) and the entrance to the parking lot of the St. Vincent de Paul Society thrift shop will be on your right. This thrift shop is in a retail section of Fort Myers. Although smaller than the Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift shops, the St. Vincent de Paul Society thrift shop has very fine quality clothing. It has a wide selection of quality used furniture in superb condition. It is light and airy and a pleasure to shop in. The St. Vincent de Paul Society thrift shop in Fort Myers has plenty of complete dish sets, silverware and table linens, as well as shoes, belts and boots.

For a fun-filled, thrifty shopping trip, try the Goodwill, Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul Society thrift shops in Fort Myers, Florida.

Goodwill Thrift Shop at Island Park Road
16523 Island Park Road, Fort Myers
(239) 482-6102 or (239) 482-6583
Hours: Open Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Salvation Army Thrift Shop
3065 Fowler Street, Fort Myers
(239) 337-0956
Hours: Open Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

St. Vincent de Paul Society Thrift Shop
3010 Cleveland Avenue, Fort Myers, Florida
(239) 274-0660
Hours: Open Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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