The Top US Hospitals

What makes a hospital a good hospital to choose? A number of factors come into consideration. First, you should think about its location to your home. You don’t want the commute to be very far. You should also think about your medical condition and the tests you think you will possibly need. Can the hospital you choose cater to your needs? Of course, you should also think about the hospital’s reputation. Have you heard positive things about the facility?

The US News and World Report published its list of their choice of the top 14 hospitals here in the United States. They looked at a variety of factors when making their decision such as the quality of care, the number of in hospital deaths for all patients and then for Medicare patients in general and the reputation of the doctor’s they have on staff.

Here’s their list of their picks:

1. Johns Hopkins Hospital, (Baltimore, MD)
2. Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN)
3. The Cleveland Clinic
4. Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston)
5. UCLA Medical Center (Los Angeles)
6. New York-Presbyterian Hospital, The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell
(New York City)
7. Duke University Medical Center (Durham, NC)
8. Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University (St. Louis)
9. University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
10. University of Washington Medical Center (Seattle)
11. Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston)
12. University of Michigan Hospitals and Health System (Ann Arbor)
13. Stanford Hospital & Clinics (Stanford, CA)
14. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Did you notice a trend in the top 14 picks? Many of them were University Hospitals. University Hospitals are usually hospitals that are training grounds for up and coming doctors, nurses and others in the medical profession. University Hospitals may also receive a lot of contributions that a regular hospital may not see.

The article went on and listed their top three picks for three hospitals ranked in a specialty field.


1. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York)
2. University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (Houston)
3. Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD)

Heart and Heart Surgery:

1. The Cleveland Clinic
2. Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN)
3. Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD)


1. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2. Children’s Hospital of Boston
3. John’s Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD)

Congratulations to all of the hospitals that got picked.

Yet, don’t think your local hospital isn’t a good hospital just because it isn’t on the list. Remember only 14 could be chosen. Many local hospitals are great hospitals that are run by wonderful staff, doctors and nurses.

You should also keep this in mind when choosing a hospital. Is the staff made up of people that you can be open and honest with, that you feel comfortable sharing your health concerns? Honesty is the key in getting well. What your doctor’s don’t know can keep him/her from making the right diagnosis.

Good luck in choosing the right hospital for you and your family

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