The Tropical Angelfish

The angelfish is circular shaped, with two feelers coming from underneath its mouth. The feelers are not actually connected to the mouth; they’re located at the bottom of the fish’s body right bellow it’s mouth. The angelfish come and many different colors designs, and sizes, but the angelfish has the same body design (the circle). The angelfish’s dorsal fin can be straight up, straight and pulled back, or in a flag design (straight up and then pulled back toward its back fin.) The angelfish usually stays around 6″ in diameter but have been known to become much larger.
The angelfish is carnivorous meaning it eats meat. The angelfish’s diet include: other smaller fish, pieces of meat (like chicken), blood worm, black worms, adult brine shrimp, guppy fry, small pieces of chopped earthworm, and mosquito larvae. The angelfish can also survive on tropical fish flakes, but they’re happier when they have the items listed above.
The angelfish is known as aggressive and territorial. This is true. Angelfish will beat up and maybe even eat smaller fish that get in its way. Angelfish when there’s only them and other different species in the aquarium, because this way other fish don’t have a swarm of bullies coming at them. Angelfish love to be in groups, and they may even live longer then they would by themselves. The angelfish usually attacks a second angelfish in the aquarium, so its best if there are more then two angelfish in the aquarium if you want more then just one angelfish.
Housing will all depend on the size angelfish you have. If you have a couple 3″ angelfish, then you could house them in a 15 gallon aquarium. If you have a couple 4-6″ angelfish you should get a 25-+ gallon aquarium. Angelfish like to swim in groups, so it’s best to get a long and wide tank then a high and thin tank, a circle shaped aquarium works best for the angelfish. A circle shaped aquarium gives the angelfish the ability to keep swimming around and around without having to stop and turn to go back the other way. Angelfish need caves to hide in, gravel (sand or rocks), plants to hide in (plastic or real), filtration device(s), heater(s), and an air pump.
Life span:
The angelfish’s average life span is at least 10 years of age. Angelfish will live longer if properly cared for.