The Truth About Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida is is a defect in a neural tube that occurs within the first month of pregnancy. This happens when the spinal column doesn’t completely close. Effects vary from person to person. Some children have fluid on the brain and have to have a shunt inserted. Many have learning disabilities, depression, bladder and bowel issues, and sexual issues.

There are three types of Spina Bifida. Myelomeningocele, Meningocele, and Occulta. Myelomeningocele occurs when the protective covering of the spinal cord (meninges) and spinal nerves come through the open part of the spine. This causes nerve damage and severe disabilities. Meningocele is when the meninges come through the open part of the spine much like a sac being pushed out. The sac contains Cerebrospinal fluid. Usually, there is no nerve damage. A person with this specific type of spina bifida might suffer minor disabilities. Later on in life, new problems can occur. The third type of spina bifida is often referred to as hidden spina bifida. It’s generally harmless and there is no opening in the back. As a child with this type grows into childhood and adulthood neurological deterioration becomes more obvious. A lot of the times, this type of spina bifida does not disturb the spine at all.

Seven out of every ten thousand babies are born with spina bifida. Economically, the costs associated with people who have spina bifida can be astronomical. According to the Spina Bifida Association, on average $532,000 per child with spina bifida is their total lifetime cost to society. For many others it can cost above a million dollars, even. With inflation, the cost of living for these people can and will become much higher. Also, according to SBA, there are more than 70,000 people in the United States alone living with spina bifida.

Ninety-five percent of NTDs happen in women that have absolutely no history of these problems. There are some risk factors, though. Risks include;

1. If the mother has diabetes and is dependent on insulin.

2. If the mother is medically diagnosed as obese.

3. High temperatures in early pregnancy.

4. Lower socio-economic status.

5. Women who’ve already had a child with spina bifida increases the chances of having another child with spina bifida by 20 times.

There are many people out there that have fulfilling lives. The number one thing to remember is just because a person has spina bifida, doesn’t mean that they are incompetent. There are plenty of organizations out there to help build a better future for people with this birth defect. They will help find employment, find government assistance, and anything needed. Many live long, rich lives. They get married, have children, have careers, and are very happy.

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