The Truth About a Colonoscopy

I am 55 years old. My dad died of colon cancer at age 67. “She probably had her first colonoscopy many, many years ago,” you’re saying? Nope, you are wrong. I finally had a colonoscopy TWO MONTHS AGO! “Stupid,” you’re saying now?

Well, maybe you are saying that, if you are among those brave souls who have also had a colonoscopy and know “the truth.” Otherwise, you are probably saying, “I can understand. I don’t want to have a colonoscopy either!”

Ok, I am here to tell you “the truth.” Colonoscopies are not that bad!!! Yes, I put it off, too, even after watching my father die of the disease. I heard all the horror stories about the “unpleasant” side effects, the 36-hour fast. Those should have meant nothing with my history, right? Well, you are wrong. I used all the excuses I could find, small ones or big ones. I was afraid. There is always the fear. The fear of knowing the truth.

I think that fear exists in most, if not all, of us, regardless of our family history of colon cancer. But now that I have finally crossed over to “the other side” âÂ?¦ that is to say, those who have had a colonoscopy âÂ?¦ I want to try to convince all of you who have not yet had this procedure to do it as soon as possible, especially if you have family history or if you are 35 years of age or older. The benefits far outweigh any unpleasantness.

The procedure has changed a lot, even in just the last few years. You stop eating solid food 36 hours before the procedure. My procedure was at 8:30 on a Thursday morning. I had to stop eating solids at midnight on Tuesday. Then, I could eat “clear liquids” for breakfast and lunch the next day. That includes jello, bouillion, clear juices, etc. After lunch, you take 4 laxative pills, and once those have “done their job,” you start drinking the preparation. It really doesn’t taste that bad. Mine had three different “flavor packets” to choose from – lemon-lime, cherry or orange. You drink 8 ounces every 15 minutes until it is gone. Takes a couple of hours. That’s it!! Then you can drink water only until midnight before the procedure.

I was truly amazed at how simple the procedure itself was. The most painful part for me was the IV that they put in the top of my hand. I was bruised for a week. But the insertion of the camera was nothing, and it’s really quite interesting to be awake and watching the monitor as the camera winds its way through your digestive track! You’re done in less than two hours.

My results showed some diverticulitis, but nothing major. And the best part of all – now I KNOW THE TRUTH!

Call your doctor and schedule a colonoscopy today. Please!

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