The United States Has Already Been Conquered by Immigration

Patrick Buchanan, in his new shock book, lays out a scenario that shows the Third World is taking over the United States. Sorry, Pat, you’re a little late. America has already been conquered.

California is ground zero for the offensive, where millions of illegal immigrants have anchored themselves permanently into the state’s economy and political system. No amount of legislation and nothing short of the U.S. military will be able to stop this invasion, which has been going on for years. The immigration act of 1986 under the Reagan administration blocks individual states from taking any action against immigration, so through the open door of California streams illegal immigrants who are flooding into the interior of the nation.

And, though President Bush has tried to stand up to the increasingly menacing spread of Islamic fascism overseas, he has kept the United States borders open, and the hoardes of despotism are pouring forth, not only from Mexico but from Canada.

California’s legislature talks a big game but can never back up what their own standards are. California refuses to turn back illegal immigrants from attending public schools. California refuses to keep illegal immigrants from flooding into hospital emergency rooms and putting hospitals out of business.

U.S. agencies have been beefing up for this war for some time but will, in the end, be overrun by the invaders. Violent gangs are already taking control of vast swaths of rural California and inner-city areas all up and down the Pacific Coast. It’s not much better in Oregon and Washington. Even states like Utah and Colorado are being invaded. It is a stealth operation so far, but is being fueled by wide-open borders and lack of any meaningful enforcement.

Sixty percent of the metro population of New York City is now considered recently emigrated from overseas. It’s not so much that floods of illegals are pouring in, California-style, it’s more legal and organized, slower and more quiet. Just like many of the 9/11 conspirators and pilots were in the United States legally, that is what is happening on the Eastern Seaboard. Even normally less immigration-intensive states like North Carolina and Georgia are being invaded big-time but authorities and media are slow to react and analyze this phenomenon.

Make no mistake. In many ways, the current situation is far more horrific than was even World War II. Korea, Vietman and now Iraq are more like private corporate ventures than actual wars, but the widespread opposition to America at present is something this country is not likely to survive.

The United States is regarded as a “hard`target” by most terror organizations overseas, but that protrayal is destined to quick revision. And it won’t take a lot to do it. One more big hit like 9/11 will plunge the entire nation into an economic depression, massive fuel shortages and social upheavals that none of us has ever experienced or can even imagine.

Just hang on. It’s going to be a rough ride.

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