The Untidy Dinosaur

The Untidy Dinosaur

Tony enjoys snacking on branches. Tony is a Triceratiop dinosaur he is a plant eater. He is not like the other male

triceratops. Which spar with one another in hopes for one day to lead their own herd. Once a triceratops claims his own herd,

he will have to fight off other triceratops to keep and lead his own herd. Tony enjoys splashing and dipping his feet in the

water and making a mess! Triceratops not only eat the leaves but also the branch itself. Tony gets in trouble alot for playing

with his food. Triceratops mouth was a sharp beak like a birds. It makes it easy for them to break of even the tough plants.

His mom puts him on sniff alert to teach him a lesson. Smelling the air is how most dinosaurs knew they were in any kind of

danger. One day Tony was snacking on some branches while he was on sniff alrert. He began to play with his food. Tony

ran to the water hole that was near by, and splashed right in the began to have fun. His mom was on her way to check on him.

Then all of a sudden Tony stopped splashing. He smelled something coming, he jumped out of hte water. Tony ran as fast

as he could to warn the others. Every adult triceratops formed a defense circle. But he didn’t see his mother. Whenever

triceratops were in any danger they have the young ones in the middle of the circle, to protect them from preditors. Suddenly a

loud roar sounded. It was Tyranasaurus Rex, a Trex was a meat eater who ate other dinosaurs. The T-rex headed straight for

Tony’s mother. His mother to frightened to move let out a bellow. Then something unexpected happened. T-rex fell and

broke his arm. He slipped on the mess Tony had made with his food. Mom was relieved with joy. The triceratops cheered

and Tony was the Hero of the day. The End.

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