The Use of Language in Conservation

While the use of language articulating specificity and local scales offer success rates of their own, they fail to convince as it harkens back to an out-dated, classical approach to the conservation movement. To focus primarily on, for example – a species level organization level is to lose sight of a much larger goal. The more contemporary approach recognizes the biological processes as essential to species and ecosystem survival. It is these processes that support all biotic life. It is far more fruitful to ask questions and communicate at an organizational level rather than at a species level knowing that species and ecosystems are not static, but have dramatic relationships with other species and their neighboring environments that are critical to survival. In the end, species specific strategies can have unforeseen damages at an organizational level if not properly thought out.
Beyond the discussion between contemporary and traditional conservation movements, feel good terms are needed to encourage individuals to take an active role in conservation. Just as biodiversity is a feel good term , so is the catch phrase “think locally -> go globally” Who would not want their efforts felt beyond their local neighborhood? In fact conservation, itself, is a feel good term. The idea of conservation has, until recently, meant preservation to most people. Clearly, a feel-good idea. I would argue that it is exactly these feel good terms/phrases/ideologies that are essential in appealing to the human conscience. It is a conscience that persuades most people to join large efforts, enact changes or basically “do the right thing”.
It is effective to continue the use of “larger scale” words such as biodiversity. The focus of a conservation effort should be on the process and the context rather than the species, and using terminology gently to remind individuals of that goal is important. In addition to moving away from traditional beliefs, it is also important to identify strategies that will speak to others and one of those could be the use of “feel good” words.