The Wickerman: Outrageously Disturbing!!!

Outrageously Disturbing!! Would be my analysis of the movie “The Wickerman” if I were a movie critic. If you are hoping to go to the movies and watch “The Wickerman” be prepared to be disturbed. I am not smashing the movie or saying that it was bad or anything. The plot of the movie was actually very well written. I am only saying that it is disturbing because it really is.

The movie starts out with Nicholas Cage (Edward) as a police officer in California. He mysteriously receives a letter from his ex-fianc�©, Willow, who is desperately seeking his help in order to find her daughter, Rowan, who has been kidnapped by the villagers. He is overcome with emotion since Willow ran out on them night before the wedding, and by the fact that she now has a daughter by someone else.

However, after witnessing a frightful car wreck, he decides to leave the force for a few days and assist his lost love in finding her beloved daughter. Edward, as with most cops, tries to be the hero and ends up on Summer’s Isle, a secluded private Island in the Pacific Ocean. The people are weird; everybody seems to have a terrible sense of humor and deep blue colored eyes.

From the moment Edward arrives on the island he is made to feel as an outsider, however, he puts on his tough “I’m a cop” roll and the people of the island do not seem to care about his legal authority. They let him know that he has come on their turf now and that his police business has no place on the island. He finds Willow, his ex fiancÃ?©, on the island and he wants her to explain in detail exactly what happened to her daughter.

Willow tries to tell Edward the information but every time she does she seems to ramble off into non-comprehensive details. She is always very nervous and afraid that the other villagers are going to kill her precious daughter if Edward doesn’t help find her in time. After interviewing several villagers who seem to not have any recollection that the young girl ever existed, Edward is convinced that they are hiding the young girl for some strange reason; he just has to find out the why.

Throughout the movie Edward has strange flashbacks and visions of the little girl, these visions always seem to frighten him. As the plot thickens Edward begins uncovering the mystery and he becomes closer than ever to finding the little girl. He meets with the main lady of the Island to find out more about Rowan. The lady tells Edward about the history of the island and how her ancestors had founded it. She lets Edward know that the little girl has not been murdered and that they do not believe in murder. Edward refuses to believe her.

Summer’s Isle is infested with bees and there are a couple points in the movie where your skin may begin to crawl. The men on the island do not speak and are only there to breed with the women. The women run the show on the island while the men are vibrantly collecting firewood. The end of this movie is the most disturbing and it is absolutely crazy at the same time. I won’t give away the movie but I will give you a hint, Mayan and Celtic. I don’t know if I would recommend going to see this movie. I thought that it was really good, but the end was just too much for me. You can go see it if you want, especially if you like mysteries and twisted endings; just know that you are definitely sure to be surprised and disturbed by The Wickerman.

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