The Winnie the Pooh Official Website

Winnie the Pooh websites abound on the internet. Many Pooh bear devotees have created websites celebrating their favorite mild mannered bear. However, only Disney owns and operates the Winnie the Pooh official website. Actually, Disney has two Winnie the Pooh websites. Pooh enthusiasts will enjoy both the original official Winnie the Pooh website and a newer Pooh DVD website. Both are both hosted by Disney at

The original Winnie the Pooh official website has something for everyone. The site contains over 10 online games for preschoolers. Some are educational – such as the Counting Hide and Seek game which helps children learn numbers. And others are purely for fun, like the Tigger Trot. In this game, your child can click on arrows to make Tigger bounce and “goof off.” Little music lovers will enjoy making their own tunes with the activity called Pooh’s Log Jammin’. And the adult fans can learn detailed information about the Hundred Acre Wood occupants in the Friendship Spot.

The Winnie the Pooh official DVD Website houses even more games and activities for young Pooh Bear fans. The site focuses on the classic Disney movie Pooh’s Grand Adventures, which is now available for the first time ever on DVD. Again, Disney emphasizes learning. On this site, online flash cards will teach your child how to recite the alphabet or count from 1 to 10. Also, your child can color the Pooh characters online. Or he may choose to print out the coloring pages. Other printables such as mazes and activities are also available. Also, you can download wallpaper featuring scenes from Pooh’s Grand Adventure movie.

Of course, no Disney website would be complete without giving you the opportunity to purchase Disney products. And the Winnie the Pooh Official Websites are no exception. Both sites list Pooh DVDs along with ordering information. You can even watch trailers of the various movies to help you finalize your selections.

Disney has made both Winnie the Pooh websites appealing for children and adults alike. Your preschooler will amuse himself for hours with fun-filled activities. And he won’t even be aware of the fact that he is learning while he plays educational games consisting of Pooh and his friends. And you can shop for some of your favorite Winnie the Pooh adventures. Or perhaps you’ll spend some time learning some history about the inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood. So, make sure to check out both of the Winnie the Pooh official websites.

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