The Wonderful World of Medical Cannabis

This opens the door for pretty much any with $150, the evualation fee, to get a license to legally use marijuana. I am a huge proponent of the legalization of marijuana. The theraptic value of marijuana is priceless. It can help suffers of serious diseases or minor ones. The wide range of people it can help shows the need for legal dispenseries, which helps with crime, so safe easy access is available for those who need it. It’s time to lift this stigma that has been placed on marijuana through decades of racism and corruption, moreover; so the true value of this wonder plant can be explored. In the state of California there are hundreds of dispensaries in Los Angeles County alone there are over 150. I live on the westside of Los Angeles and just recently the dispensaries have been migrating out of West Hollywood and the San Fernando valley into the westside, the beach communites of LA.
This adds a whole new ambiance to the area. You can go smoke a little in Venice and then cruise down the board walk on a beautiful sunny Sunday there is nothing better in my mind, or go into Westwood smoke a little a see a movie or go shopping. As you can tell this makes me very happy, and I want to get the word out there to everyone. If you have a illness which marijuana can help and/or you enjoy the benefits of cannabis in your life get a recommendation as soon as possible. If you use cannabis and you don’t have a license you can ensue lots of penatlies if you get caught even jail time. If you use marijuana and live in a state that has legalized the use of medical cannabis your stupid not to get one. I had one during college and it saved me from recieving 3 different sitations, and in California if you recieve a MIP or Minor in Possession, remember minor is under 21, then your license is suspended for a year. I watched my friends lose their licenses and lots of time and money fighting those tickets, while I got off everytime because of my license. If you don’t live in a state that has medical cannabis then fight it join NORML or other organizations and petition the government till eventually it is lealized Federally. We can fight this don’t ever stop trying to live your freedom your way. If you live in California and you want to setup an appointment with a doctor, who can prescripe you marijuana call 1 800 GOT KUSH. A friendly consulatant will setup a time and place to meet with a doctor. Live each day to the fulliest, Carpe Diem!